Chapter 4 Temptation

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* My POV * 

I couldn't sleep all last night I was tossing and turning wondering about today. I can't believe how fast today has went. I showered with no tears. I am wearing sweats and a tee shirt .

12:03 pm

I walk over the bridge that leads to the park and barn. I can see him but he can't see me. I just stand there. His head is down and I can hear the faint sound of music. The sight makes me smile. I walk to the barn quickly. He still doesn't lift his head. So I just stand there feeling like a creeper I decide to say something.

" Tommy. " I breath out his name its almost  to quiet to hear.

His head snaps up as if I yelled it. I laugh covering my mouth so he can't see my smile. He hasn't said anything just watched me closely. He gets up slowly making my insane laughing stop dead my smile fade. He walks over to me I go to take a step back but he shakes his head. Goodness I wish he would say something. He reaches me moving my hand from my mouth. Holding it in his not letting it go he leans down kissing the space between my boobs. My eyes close as I suck in air through my teeth. I take my free hand and cover my mouth.

" No. Stop. " I whisper

He looks up at me through his thick black eyelashes. He seems amused. He straightens up grabbing my other hand. I bite my lip hard. He puts both my hands in one of his taking his other freeing my lip from my grasp. He let's my hands go and they fall to my side. I didn't want him to let go of me. Smartass.

" Are you gonna talk? Or do I have to supply the conversation? "

He smiles walking away from me sitting down where he was when I walked up. That smile! I smile back as he pats the sit next to him. I walk over and sit across from him instead he frowns only slightly. He just stares at me I can hear his music now how I couldn't hear it before is a mystery he is listening to lil Wayne's Love me I shake my head. 

" Well? "

He pauses his music. I watch his fingers as they move across the screen when I look at him he is watching me.

" No. " He finally says.

His voice is deeper than I remember sexier somehow. Keep strong he is doing it on propose. I motion for him to speak.

" How are you ? " He says with a wink.

He really must wanna piss me off I didn't come here for small talk but him talking is enough for now.

" Never been better . " I lie

" Sure you have. " He smirks

I smile.

" Kyrsten ? " He looks hurt and in pain.

The way he says my name. How can he make it sound so ... so ... sexy!

" Yes . " I breath out

" Sorry. That I left it wasn't you. "

I laugh God how long I wanted to hear that.

" You promised. " I whisper

" I said I was sorry. " He forces

" I am sorry your right. " I say distractingly

He gets up coming over to my side

" Wanna have fun ? " He says with a smile.

" Yes . " I smile back.

He drags me to my feet pulling me to the park area it isn't very big and no one is around. I laugh again it makes him smile. He takes me to the slide pointing down.

" No. No way ! " I shake my head hard trying to get free from his grasp.

" Yes. Yes way. " He retorts holding me tighter.

I sigh. He really wants me to do this but why ? I squint my eyes at him. Stepping closer to him.

" Why Gibson what are you up to ? " I ask cautiously.

" Please . " He says simply.

Now that he asked nicely I know he is up to something but I obey. Going to the in closed slide putting my feet in first. He grabs my wrist causing me to jump I don't like my wrist being touched because they touch all my scars they will feel them and ask questions I don't want to answer. He ignores it becoming used to it.

" Don't get out. Wait for me at the bottom. " He orders.

I shake my head waiting for him to let me go. He doesn't he just stands there looking down at me still firmly holding on to my wrist. I half smile at him. He just keeps staring.

" What ? " I finally ask furrowing my eyebrows.

He blinks a few times focussing on me.

" Nothing, just got lost thinking. Remember wait don't get out. "

He let's go of me. I just sit there for another second or two. Just wondering what this is about and why it made him zone out like that. He leans down so his face is above mine.

" Go. " He demands.

Rude. Since he is so close I push up kissing the side of his lips. Letting go I slide down. I can hear him grumble something about a tease making me laugh . I sit there at the end of the slide waiting for whatever is next. I hear him slide down as he slams into me I move another 3 inches towards the ends he gets comfy and tells me to do the same so I let my feet hit the very edge of the slide as I lay my head on his stomach he has his feet pressed to one side of the slide and his head resting on the other. I turn my head so I am looking at him.

" What ? " He copies my tone

" You're beautiful. Is it wrong for me to admire you ? " I huff

" Yes. When you look at me like that it is. " He smiles

I laugh I can't help it his so .... so ... words I can't explain. He finally looks at me. Squints his eyes making me lose my breath. As he looks at me through his eyelashes. Goodness how I want him. He lifts his hand placing it on my chin tapping my lip three times with his first finger.

" Lip. " He growls

" Sorry. " I say simply releasing it.

I turn on my stomach suddenly causing him to look at me like I was crazy. I lay my head back down where it was before. Looking at him once more. I lift my arm placing my hand on his cheek. He leans into my touch closing his eyes.

" Mmmm. You smell good. " his eyes pop open looking right at me.

He takes my wrist once again this time raising it to his face inhaling I can feel the air as he sucks it in. He let's my hand slide until he is holding my first , middle and ring fingertips pushing them back exposing my wrist to him more. He leans down still watching me his lips brush against the skin causing me to flinch. No one has ever done this. He pushes my fingers back more making me smile from the familiar fire I feel and the popping sound following. I have always had a bad habit of popping my knuckles now its way to easy to pop them. I watch his lips as they part slowly. I grind my teeth. I hear a loud knocking from the entrance. I don't care who it is I remain looking at him who ever it is needs to leave or stay for the show I don't really care at this point. I remove my hand from his reaching for his face. This time the bang is louder. He looks up I can't take my eyes off him. He grabs my hand on his chest where I laid it and the one going for his cheek.

" Sit up. " He demands sounding annoyed.

" No. If its a kid there are plenty of slides and if its a teen they can stay and watch or move it too. " I pout

" What about me ? " a small voice comes from right behind me.

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