Chapter 14: It's not over yet

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Two days had passed since I had last been allowed to see Hayden. After I saw him I was wheeled back to my room and my body was numbed to the point where I couldn’t move a muscle. I was being fed through an IV. By this point the capital medication had worked wonders and my burns had nearly completely faded. All that was left were a few faded streaks of red on my ankles. I was healed but I was stuck here. What were they hiding from me?

Then a small man came into my room and ripped out my IV. He ordered me to get up and go meet with my stylist. It was time to be crowned victor. I tried to ask about Hayden but he only pushed me down the hall and onto an elevator. When I exited the elevator I was greeted by my mentor, Carolyn, and my stylist Evana. They hugged me and congratulated me. I didn’t care about any of this, all I wanted to do was find Hayden. 

“Where is he?” I asked, knowing they would know exactly who I was talking about. They ignored my question and herded me into a small room. I was shoved into a black leather jumpsuit and Evana began working on my hair and makeup. I looked fierce and the tight leather hugged my muscular body. I had lost all of my body fat in the games and gained muscle. I looked like a victor. But there was one thing missing; Hayden. I needed to see him. 

The capital medicine had worked wonders on me, surely they could have saved him. But would they have wanted to. They couldn’t have two victors. I was to be announced in five minutes and I had to pull myself together. I had to please the audience. I knew they would be wondering about Hayden too. I couldn’t think straight. I was ushered down a long hallway to be announced. I just wanted to go home. They had me sit in a chariot, just like at the opening ceremonies and ride down a long entryway to president Snow where I would be crowned. Along the way were portraits of all the fallen tributes. I saw the faces of the careers, Slash and Blaire. Along with Hayden’s district partner. Hayden’s face wasn’t up there; did that mean he was alive?

I then passed the district four careers and the tributes from five and six. I didn’t even know their names but I killed some of them. I was a monster. Then I saw Rhys’ picture on the wall. I almost cried looking at it. I remembered him well. Sure he tried to kill me in the games, but he was from my district and in some way, I cared for him. Then I saw all of the tributes from the farther districts ending with Tayra. If it wasn’t me standing up here, I would’ve wanted it to be her. She deserved it.

The chariot came to a halt when I reached president Snow. I turned around hoping to see another chariot coming but it was silent. President Snow motioned for me to walk up to the stage and I slowly exited my chariot. He looked over at me and pulled out a golden crown. “It is my pleasure to announce one of the victors of the 56th annual hunger games, Kaydee Lyte.” He said and the crowd went wild cheering and clapping. “One of the victors?” I questioned. At this point I had lost hope that Hayden was alive. President Snow wouldn’t allow it. But just then I saw another Chariot emerge. In it was none other than Hayden.

The chariot neared and the crowd cheered even louder. I was in shock. I was so happy I wanted to run down there right now, but I had to keep my composure so I stood there and waited. I couldn’t stop the huge smile from spreading across my face when I saw Hayden waving to the crowd and smiling as he got closer. When his chariot stopped he immediately got out and ran up to me. I ran toward him and he wrapped me up in his arms. The crowd went crazy as he pulled me in for a kiss.

“I thought you had died!” I said breathless.

“I thought you had died!” He whispered.

I looked him over. He was okay with almost no signs of the horrible condition he had been in a few days ago. His blonde hair was not very short after being singed off but it was growing back. I hugged him again and cried out of joy. He was okay! I was going to be okay.

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