Chapter Eight: Snaedis

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*I was going to post last week, but was busy fighting off a woman the same age as my dad over purchasing a pair of shoes (she's a family friend).  True story.  And I had three tests this week (including a midterm).  Agh.  I'm so tired; I spent three hours editing this on Word.  Well, this is an action-packed chapter.  I hope you enjoy it!  Please comment and vote to show your support!  By the way, Jason Isaacs is "Lord Caldwell."

Everyone whirled around as the doors shut behind them.  Lenora's heart began to pound inside of her chest again as she swallowed.  At least twenty vampires, and —she sniffed just to be sure— Guiecs surrounded them.  She glanced around, noticing everyone else's worried countenances.  Hearing their rapid heartbeats and sensing their anxiety wasn't making her feel any better.

Suddenly, a voice broke through the tense silence, "Welcome."

Hisses and snarls of surprise echoed from the vampire nobles' mouths as one of them exclaimed, "Lord Caldwell?"

The white-blond vampire ensconced upon the crystalline seat —Lord Caldwell, Lenora presumed—tilted his head back slightly as he appraised them with his cold eyes.  His mouth tilted in a smirk.

Caldwell rose from his throne, rising to his full height.  The dark blue-and-gold robes pooled at his feet as he did so.  He spread his arms cordially as he slowly made his way down the steps to the floor.

"My fellow vampire nobles...  Guardians...  I invite you to my humble abode."  The vampire bowed his head, in an almost servile way that made Lenora clench her jaw.

The room was silent; Lenora could feel anger and surprise rolling off of the vampire nobles near her in waves.  Nevertheless, they stayed silent, no doubt hoping for an explanation.

After it became clear no one was going to say anything, Caldwell grinned at them, "I am Lord Caldwell.  Welcome to the Northern White Rose, or perhaps it would be appropriate to say what's left of it, at least."  Irritation flashed in his ice-cold eyes.  "Ah, well, I can recruit and create some more later, though," he mused to himself.

"You were all able to make it here with each others' help, and congratulations are in order, of course," he continued.  "Perhaps I should tell you what our assosication is with the vampire attacks, as I am sure you all have already made the connection to use.  The attacks on Hillsford are the first of many attempts for humans to become more aware of vampires' and Guiecs' existences!  This will help create a world where the humans will know their places.  Even though the humans outnumber us, we have the power to take our positions as the more dominant species!" he finished passionately, throwing his arms in the air.

Several vampires and Guiecs snarled in response.  "You idiot!"  Den shouted.  "What's with all these vampires that want to upset the balance?  You have no idea what you're getting into!"

The vampire lord looked at them again, smiling, "Your relationships with me aren't off to the best starts, but that can be alleviated if you join me and leave your King, Queen and Guardian Society.  You all have such astonishing powers, and such gifts should be used to fight for a far more noble cause than peace.  Peace never lasts.  There will always be war, always be chaos...  What's the point of attempting to create peace when it is in our nature to prevent that from happening?  Stop fighting against your instincts!  Join me and we can put the humans in their rightful places: below us!"

Lenora recoiled as the Guardians and nobles around her snarled and hissed once again.

"Joining your cause would wreak nothing but chaos upon the world.  Prejudice does nothing to solve problems," Candice cried out over the growls sounding from everyone's throats.  "We will not support you, nor will we allow you to carry out your plans."

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