Prologue: The Trinity Pact

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It goes without saying that humans can be both terrified and attracted to vampires.  Well, it might surprise the humans if they knew that vampires were equally terrified and sometimes attracted to their mortal, weaker counterparts.  Perhaps things would be different if modern-day humans knew how the vampires came to be.  The vampires and their predators didn't have the most... auspicious births.

Many many years ago, small sources of magic were scattered all around the world of Thera.  Few knew of the locations of such power, and, when found, were selfishly kept by those who found them.

There was once a man and his wife, named Uxe and Aruca, respectively, who stumbled upon a source of magic from Euoper.  Their obsession with vampire bats led them to experiment by melding the bats with the magic in the hopes of obtaining some of the bats' traits, and thus the most revered, dark creatures were created, with Uxe and Aruca being the first two vampires.  The results of the successful project prompted them to continue exploring different possibilities, even mixing light magic with their creations.  They lured many humans to their home in the hopes for more successful attempts.  Eventually, after countless failed experiments and deaths, the Guiecs, hematophagous creatures who drink the blood of ordinary vampires, were born.  

Of the myriad of humans used in the Guiec experiments, only eight survived.  The light magic within the Guiecs' bodies gave these creatures unknown potential, and far more abilities than those of ordinary vampires (such as the ability to walk in sunlight without side effects, effectively making them human in the eyes of vampires).  They came to be known as Guiecs because it came from the vampiric word "Ghiec," meaning "pure," because they fed on the blood of regular vampires.  The vampires' blood made the Guiec vampires far more powerful than their predecessors, but at a price.  If Guiecs constantly used their power and magic without rest, huge amounts of energy would be drained, almost excessively, up to the point of permanently weakening a Guiec or even shortening one's lifespan.

Uxe and Aruca, being regular vampires, successfully escaped the Guiecs, with several of their vampire friends dying in the process.  Although they were the ones who created the Guiecs, the possibility of being eaten by their own creations instigated them to flee.  Their own vampire children started the very first "royal" bloodlines of the vampires, continuing to the present day.

Meanwhile, the eight Guiecs settled down, and one known as Arell became their leader.  The group came to be known as the Eight Pure, coming from the fact that they had the purest vampire blood compared to ordinary vampires.  Today, some ordinary vampires refer to them as the true "pureblood vampires."

A food chain was born between the humans, vampires and Guiecs.  Vampires preyed on humans while Guiecs preyed on the vampires.  However, tension began to build when some Guiecs deemed it their duties to protect the weaker humans out of pity.  Humans became dependent on the Guiecs and saw them as their "Guardian Angels."  The vampires saw no reason for humans to require extra protection since the balance between predator and prey was natural.  However, some Guiecs were distrustful of the vampires' bloodlust, and thus ignored the vampires' outraged protests.  The tension broke at this occurrence and war raged between the Guiecs and their creators.  Both sides suffered terrible losses, though its impact on humans was also devastating.  Humans were used as victims and bait against the Guiecs, and when such events became common, the humans blamed the Guiecs for "not protecting them."

Finally, representatives from all three races came together to call a truce, and wrote the Trinity Pact, which was the basic agreement that no race would attack another.  A blood donor bank was created and killing was restricted in order to ensure vampires and Guiecs only drank what was necessary to sustain them.  Humans and vampires who willingly donated their blood (they were also specifically sorted based on the protein and sugar content) were paid handsomely for their contributions.  Several conditions were written: vampires could not drink humans' blood more than necessary; Guiecs could not drink vampires' blood more than necessary; all Guiecs were to be spread out among human populations in order to protect them from insatiable vampires.  Killing humans would upset the equilibrium between the three races.  

After the Trinity Pact was written, all three races agreed to keep the secrets of the vampire and Guiec races within the knowledge of the Trinity, the three races' representatives.  Each of the representatives had their own guard to protect the races from potential violent outbursts.  As centuries passed, humans' knowledge of vampires dwindled.  Reality became myth as a result of less contact with the vampires, and thus modern-day humans were unaware of their existence.  To this day, only those associated with the Trinity or blood bank still know vampires and Guiecs roam Thera.

However, despite all this effort, some vampires and Guiecs did not agree with the idea of the Pact and the Trinity.  Some vampires believed humans to be lower than them, and that they should serve as food and slaves.  Some Guiecs also agreed with the ideology, and even went so far as to suggest declaring war upon the humans (whose population had increased dramatically).

Arell and the rest of the Eight Pure created a little-known society of Guiec vampires trained to protect humans who were in high-risk of being attacked by vampires, which came to be known as the Guardian Society.  These humans were usually powerful political leaders around the world, or the human representatives in the Trinity, and were also given the right to choose a Guiec vampire as his or her "Guardian Angel," which became a bond between master and protector sealed by ancient magic.  Some Guiecs became enraged at the prospect that humans could have a power that made Guiecs the subordinates of a weaker race.  

It was indeed ironic that humans could select Guiecs as their personal bodyguards, when they in fact had started the whole chain of creating different races.  It was incredibly ironic that humans had created their own predators, and the vampires had as well.  This was why some vampires and Guiecs resented the fact that humans existed.  Some vampires and Guiecs considered themselves to be the "perfected creations of their creators."

It wasn't an uncommon opinion.  In fact, such a belief was becoming more and more common as the years passed...

Guiecs- GYOO-icks

Ghiec- GUY-yick

Uxe- yoocks

Aruca- ah-ROO-kah

Arell- AH-rell

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