Chapter Seven: All Out Brawl Between Gangstas...

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Chapter Seven: All Out Brawl Between Gangstas…

“Hey, boo,” Quinn called as I walked into his house.

He was somewhere in the house. I wasn’t sure where but from the loud sounds of the music, I was willing to bet he was in the studio recording something. It was usual forte. I hadn’t been allowed in his studio yet but I knew that he had invited me over today for the strict purpose of allowing me to hear him perform today. I had been bugging him about it for weeks now. Considering the fact that he claimed to be well on the way to becoming a famous R&B artist, I thought it was about time I heard what he was speaking about.

 I mean it had a month since I had agreed to give Quinn a chance to be friends and see where that went. We were past the friend stage and I was feeling the hell out of him. We still weren’t exclusive or close to being boyfriend or girlfriend because I wouldn’t allow the relationship to go any further. I wanted to get to know a lot more about him.

Sure he was funny, charming, considerate and all the things that a girl could want. However, he was still demanding, ruthless at times and I couldn’t disregard the fact that almost every relationship started off at a good start. Not to mention the fact that I wasn’t sure if I could truly trust him. If I was going to get into a relationship then it was only going to be after the guy won my heart, not because I liked him. Just as easily as relationships spiraled upward, they just as easily came crashing down.  I didn’t want to rush anything. I was slowly getting over my crush on Eric.

I hadn’t thought about in him all the time that I had spent with Quinn. I was moving on and I was happy too. Eric and I getting in a relationship or even trying would make the whole house weird but if he stepped to me then I’d be all over his ass in moments. Tre already wasn’t talking to me but if something went wrong between Eric and me then he wouldn’t talk to me. I didn’t need that. One twin being an asshole was more than enough for me. I was already ready to smack the shit out of Tre. The fucker was lucky I hadn’t seen him in a while. The shit he had last spoken to me had pissed me off.

“What the fuck, Cari?” he yelled. “I thought I knew you better than this! I told you he’s a fucking player. He doesn’t give a shit about anything but getting in your pants. He’s no different than these other niggas out there, Cari!”

I kissed my teeth. What the fuck was wrong with this nigga? He knew got damn well I didn’t play that disrespectful shit. Nigga, thought he knew me better? Passing judgments on me and shit? “Nigga what the fuck is your problem? I told you a long time ago that I would fuck with whoever I wanted to. Just because you don’t like Quinn doesn’t mean I should feel the same way that you do. You’re problems with Quinn have nothing to do with me and to be quite frank I don’t care about whether you like him or not,” I retorted.

He glared at me, stalking back and forth in front of me. “Dammit, Cari don’t you have any respect for yourself. If you wanted someone who would care for you then you should’ve said something—“

“Someone like who?” I snapped.

He was silent as he stared at me.

“That’s what I thought,” I snapped.

He exhaled loudly and I looked him up and down. This nigga was tripping for apparent. He had come knocking on my door asking to speak to me. I had thought it would be about something else but it wasn’t the case. He wanted to nag me about Quinn. I wasn’t trying to hear that shit. I didn’t need a Dad. I needed a best friend and he wasn’t acting like one. Eric had been more of a best friend than him lately. He was doing nothing but getting on my nerves. I was tired of him and this nonsense. Hell it was my life to live not his.

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