Chapter Nine: Damn, I Wish It Could've Been Different

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Chapter Nine: Damn, I Wish It Could’ve Been Different…

Four weeks later…

 A few hours after another studio session with Eric, I rested in his room with him to waste some time. It was similar to an event that had happened a month ago after school. However, this time I really didn’t care to see Quinn tonight and I had managed to get away. Last time he had caught me in the process of finishing the studio session with Eric.

 I knew this time it would bug him. I had known Quinn for officially about a month and a half now. I liked him. A lot but his everlasting impression on others was ridiculous. I couldn’t stand that. He had to know that him allowing other people to think that we were together was unacceptable. Sighing, I moved from the chair next to him at the computer I had been sitting at and plopped down on Eric’s bed and snatched one of his notebooks off the nightstand. The inside held various lyrics written in pencil and ink. Some had eraser marks on the pages and others had ink stains and crossed out lines. This was one of his music journals that he wrote lyrics in. During the session, I had found out that he really had a chance at music if that was what he really wanted to do.

“So, Cari, you do know that Quinn’s going to come flying over here as soon as he figures out that you’re not at home, don’t you?” Eric asked in amusement.

I chuckled. “So it’s not like I’m running from the boy,” I replied.

He arched an eyebrow. “Are you sure about that?” he retorted. “”Cause the last I heard, Quinn just pulled into the driveway and he’s headed in.”

“What?!” I shouted. “Why didn’t you say that earlier?” Jumping up, I moved to his window and looked down at the street and saw that Quinn’s car was indeed in the driveway and that he was headed up the stairs. I didn’t if it was my fault for watching too long or if it was just because but a few seconds later, he looked directly up at me with a scowl on his face. I stepped back quickly.

Not even two minutes later I heard his footsteps on the stairs, without further thought I ran to the door and turned the lock, just as he started to the knob.

“Cari,” he called. “Open the door.”

I shook my head and didn’t respond. Instead I look to Eric who watched me in amusement.

Then the most random idea ever came to my mind.

 Quinn would stop messing with me if he thought that I really was into someone else and I was in a sense caught in between him and Eric. Eric wasn’t anywhere near ready to being without anyone else, so I could explore that route.

I didn’t know. When it came to them I was confused but I was pretty sure if he saw me kissing Eric then he’d give up. So without another thought I ran for the door unlocked it and flung myself onto Eric’s lap, so that I was straddling him. Both of my legs were over the sides of his and I faced him. I wasn’t sure about this but I knew it had to have some effect. So I lifted my head up and placed my lips to his. Amusement faded from his eyes and shock slowly filled them.

For a moment he didn’t respond to the pressure on his lips but in the next he took control of the kiss. His hands moved from his sides to the waistband of my shorts and tugged on it provocatively. In seconds, I opened my mouth and let his tongue enter mine. Starting a war against him, I fought for dominance and wrapped my arms around his neck.

I closed my eyes as it slowly dawned on me that I was kissing Eric.

I was kissing the boy that I had had a crush on for the longest time.

I was making out with Eric and it felt good.

Behind us I heard the door open and a loud, “What the fuck is this?!” and then, “Cari and Eric, I had no idea. I knew she was going to marry one of my brother’s, I just thought it’d be Tre,” Jaden said in amusement.

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