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You were standing in the corner of your highschool classroom, watching the four teen friends all talking and chatting together. Why where you doing this? Not because you were some creepy stalker chick or anything, but because of the tall blond named Joey Wheeler. The two of you were friends, or used to be anyways. Back in middle school you and Joey had been like siblings you were so close. But once you got into high school he didn't talk to you as much, or hang out with you, or anything really. He wasn't doing it intentionally, and he still talked to you every now and then. But it was nothing like it used to be. Honestly it hurt your feelings. You didn't have very many fiends after middle school since most of them ended up going to a different one, and the ones that did come here completely forgot about you. The closest thing to any friends you had now was a group of girls that forced you to be in their gang or they would beat the shit out of you if you tried to leave. How you ended up getting mixed in with them you still weren't one hundred percent sure, it just sort of happened one day. You were very envious of the three friends Joey hung out with now, but you didn't hate them or anything. It wasn't their fault, and it wasn't Joey's either. Who could blame him for forgetting someone like you? You were so plain and ordinary. Suddenly Joey noticed you looking at him and glanced over towards you, you quickly looking away pretending you weren't just watching them. Joey continued to look at you for a moment before going back to the conversation that was going on in his group.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

School had ended and you were at your locker putting away the books you didn't need for homework today. As you shut the locker door, Joey walked up to you with a kind smile on his face. "Hey ___(f/n)." Surprised he was talking to you, it took you a moment to respond. "Oh, hey Joey." "What's up, how have you been doing?" "Fine." You lied, putting a fake smile on. "Mind if I walk with you for a bit?" "Uhhhh sure." "Cool." The two of you started walking out of the school together, you feeling slightly awkward. It'd been so long since you two had a conversation like this. "Hey so, sorry I haven't been talking to you much lately. Guess that's kinda a real jerk move." Joey apologized with his arm over his shoulder and behind his back grinning awkwardly. 'Guess he feels weird about it to.' "It's okay, I don't mind to much." "I still wanna be friends with you though, you're pretty cool and all." "Oh, great." Joey looked at you as if trying to decide if you were telling the truth or not. This conversation was making you feel uneasy, not wanting him to see through your words. "So how have yo-" You froze for a moment, seeing the group of girls standing at a corner of the building gesturing for you to hurry up and get over there. "I uh h-have to go, it was good talking to you Joey. B-bye!" You quickly said waving and running off.

~~~~Joey's POV~~~~

Joey watched as ___(f/n) ran off, thinking she had seemed strange just now. Being the kind of guy that relied on instincts, he went with his gut and followed behind her, making sure to stay out of sight. ___(f/n) ran around the school and past a corner before stopping, Joey staying just behind the corner. 'Somethin' feels up.' Joey heard the voice of a mean sounding girl, along with the occasional shuffling of feet indicating that there were several others as well. "You're late."

~~~~Your POV~~~~

You ran over to the group of girls who had moved more out of sight, catching your breath once you arrived. "You're late." The leader spoke. "S-sorry, I got a little caught up." "We noticed. Who were you talking to?" "Uh-" You stopped, thinking what you should answer with. "... Just some random guy." "Okay, well hurry up and let's go. There's a convenience store that pissed us off yesterday so we're gonna go rob 'em." The group started to move, you standing still. 'Why... Why were you with these people. You didn't want to be, did you?' Memories of you and Joey hanging out together ran through your head. You remembered how Joey used to be in a gang, and it didn't end well. After he finally came to his senses and got out of it, he told you something. "___(f/n), never get caught up with people like that. Promise me." "Hey, come on, get moving." They spat at you. You clenched your fists, standing your ground. "No..." You said quietly. "What?" They asked, stepping closer to you. "I said NO!" You now shouted, looking up at them, glaring into the leaders eyes. "...Hehe, look who thinks they've grown some balls." The entire group surrounded you, some of them holding wooden sticks and things. "I said, MOVE YOUR ASS!" "AND I SAID NO! I DON'T WANT TO BE IN THIS GANG ANYMORE! I NEVER DID! I... I MADE A PROMISE TO A FRIEND!" As you yelled this, you were punched in the face, falling to the ground. "You're coming with us one way or another. So what's it gonna be? The easy way, or the hard way?" You lifted your head up, supporting yourself with your arm and not responding. "Ch, looks like it's the hard way. Girls." You covered your face with your arms, preparing yourself with some sort of protection. Just as the girls inched closer to you, ready to beat the ever living crap out of you, a familiar voice rang out. "HEY!" 'Wait... Is that?' The girls stopped, looking over their shoulders to see who spoke. There was a tall blond wearing a school uniform standing there with his hands in his pockets. You moved your arms, looking to see who it was. "Joey...?" "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT ASSHOLE? BEAT IT, THIS IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" "Actually I hate to disagree but it is. You see, no one messes with my friends." Joey had kicked the crap out of more than a few people before, so these girls knew who he was. "Now are we going to have to do this the easy way, or the hard way?" Joey asked cracking his knuckles and smirking devilishly. The leader looked more than pissed off. "Grr... Fine! Have her! She's a useless piece of shit anyway!" Then they all walked off. You got up, putting your hand on your cheek and wincing. Joey walked over to you. "Hey, are you alright ___(f/n)?" "Yeah, thanks." "Your cheek looks pretty bad, we should get some gauze on that. Sorry I didn't step in sooner." "It's alright, it's not as bad as it looks." Then his last sentence clicked in your mind. "Wait, what do you mean sooner?" "Well I thought you were acting kinda off, so I followed you to make sure nothing was wrong and was listening to what was going on." You were silent. You couldn't believe it, why would he do that? The two of you had hardly even talked to each other in the past two years and yet, he still... "Are you mad at me?" Joey asked. "What?! Mad at you? No way! I'm, I'm just surprised you still... Think of me as a friend." Tears began to fill your eyes at the end of your sentence. "I mean, you still do too right?" You looked up at him wide eyed. "You said so to those girls, that you had to keep a promise to a friend. You meant the one you made to me back in middle school didn't you?" You nodded. "Yeah." Joey smiled at your response. "Okay then, now let's go get you fixed up." Then you and Joey headed back to your house to help heal your wounds.

This story is for _septiplier_12. It's the first chapter so that's why it's so long. Hope everyone enjoys it.

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