A New Start

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The next day at school you were in a good mood for the first time since in what seemed like forever. For once things were looking up and going well. It felt like you had a new chance, a new start at life to turn things around for the better! And it was all thanks to Joey! You told yourself that you'd have to make sure to thank him later and let him know just how much of an affect he was having on your life. While on your way to your second class of the day, you noticed a girl run past in the hall, only to be stopped by one of the girls from your gang, well ex gang. "Where do you think you're going? We told you to wait for us after first period. Did you think you could sneak by us?" "No, I was just in a rush to get to class. I don't wanna be late!" The girl exclaimed, backing up against the wall as the other girl forced her back. "Don't worry, this'll be quick." The rest of the girls from the hang showed up, trapping her. You clenched your fists, angry that they were still picking on people. What had you expected? For them to suddenly leave everyone alone just because one person stood up to them yesterday? It was never that easy. You wanted to help, but two against five wasn't very good odds, that's assuming the other girl even helped out at all. Then again, one against five was worse. You couldn't leave her alone, not when you had been in her shoes before. Just as you were about to walk over, you were stopped by a hand grabbing your shoulder. You turned around to see Joey standing behind you, his eyes locked on the bullies and looking just as unhappy about it as you. He glanced down at you with a serious yet reassuring face. "I know what you're thinking, but trust me it isn't a good idea. You'll just make it worse. We should let a teacher handle this instead." You relaxed your hands, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, you're right. Let's go get one before they do anything bad to her." The two of you quickly ran to the nearest classroom, grabbing a teacher and telling them what was happening. The teacher quickly went into the hallway, catching the girls in the act and escorting them all to the principal's office, the girl they were harassing quickly running away. The girls notice you and Joey watching as they leave, glaring at you and mouthing curses, most likely swearing to get back at you. Once they were gone you turned back to Joey. "Hey, thanks a lot for stopping me. I really didn't want to get violent with them since I'm trying to avoid that kind of stuff now. Plus if I get one more strike they're probably gonna kick me out of school." Joey laughs. "Yeah, I've been there before. Don't mention it! That's what friends do. Besides, in the past I would have done exactly what you were about to, try and handle it myself. But I've figured out that sometimes it's best to find a different answer." You nod in agreement. "By the way ___(f/n), do you have any other friends you hang out with besides those girls? Since I'm guessing you don't wanna be around them anymore." Glancing down at the floor, you shake your head. "Not really. I've never been very popular." "Why don't you come meet my friends then? I'm sure you'd get along great with them." Joey offers. "Um, I'm not sure. I'm not very good at meeting new people, you know?" "Don't worry, they aren't exactly the social butterfly type either so it'll be fine, plus they're super nice, I promise! There's no harm in giving it a shot, right?" Joey persuades. "....Okay, I guess you're right. If you say so, then I'll try meeting them." You finally agree. "Great! You're gonna love them! How about during lunch? That work for you?" He asks happily. "Sure, I guess." "Cool, I'll see you after 4th period then, alright? I gotta get to class before the bell rings. If I'm late again I'll get another detention." Joey admits, smirking. "Kay, I'll see you then." You reply, Joey waving before running off to class.

~~~~Time Skip to 4th Period~~~~

You fiddled with your pencil nervously, thinking about all the things that could possibly go wrong at lunch. What if they didn't like you? What if you and your gang had done something to one of them that you had forgotten about and they remembered you for? What if they only pretended to like you because of Joey? Glancing up at the clock you check the time, seeing there's only five minutes left before lunch. Without realizing it, you snap your pencil in half, making yourself jump in your seat. Setting the broken halves down on your desk, you take a deep breath trying to relax and calm yourself down. It won't be that bad. They're Joey's friends after all. If they got along with him, why wouldn't they get along with you? You tried to reassure yourself, but your confidence had always been rather low. What should you do? It wasn't too late to back out. After class you could duck out of class, sneak through the halls and make your way up to the roof until lunch was over. But then Joey would ask where you were later and why you skipped out on him, plus he'd be disappointed. You didn't wanna deal with that, do you'd just have to suck it up and get over your social anxiety. Of course that was easier said than done, but luckily you'd have Joey there to help you. He always made you feel more comfortable when he was around. You knew he'd never judge you and always have your back. The bell finally rang, your heart nearly stopping with it. Picking up your backpack, you stood up from your desk and headed out of the classroom, glancing down the hall in the direction of the lunchroom. Your heart was beating quickly in your chest, your anxiety rising with every second as people rushing by you. You took a step the opposite way, only to stop in your tracks a second later. Weren't you tired of being alone all the time? You wanted to make new friends, and even if it was a little scary or intimidating, it was a chance you had to take. Turning back around, you nearly had a heart attack to find Joey only a foot in front of you. "Hey ___(f/n)! Ready to go to lunch?" "Y-Yeah..." You answered nervously. "You know the cafeteria is this way, right?" He asks, pointing a thumb behind him over his shoulder. "Of course, it's just..... Nothing, nevermind. Let's go!" You exclaimed, putting on another fake smile. Joey tilts his head staring at you, his hands in his pockets. "You okay? It looks like something's bothering you." "I'm fine, really." You lied. "If something's wrong, you know you can always tell me. Maybe I can help." Joey replied. Sighing in defeat, you gave in and told him what was on your mind. "Well.... I haven't exactly been the nicest person for the last few years, and I've gotten a pretty bad reputation. What if your friends don't like me or judge me for it?" Joey smiled at you brightly. "I get it ___(f/n)." "You do?" You ask curiously. "Yeah, I completely understand! You know, before I became friends with Yugi I actually bullied him for nearly an entire year! I was a total jerk to him everyday, but he still forgave him like it was nothing and we've been best buds ever since! None of them would ever judge you for something you did in the past, as long as you're trying to become a better person, because they know that people can change if you give 'em a chance!" Joey explains, assuring you. "Really?" You ask skeptically. "Trust me." He adds, grinning. You hesitate for a moment before responding, considering everything one last time. "Alright, let's go." "That's the spirit!" Joey pats you on the back, his hand lingering there for a moment and making you blush before he puts it back in his pocket, the two of you walking to the cafeteria together side by side.

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