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Phil was currently walking Dan home with their hands interlocked and their steps in synch. He found himself glancing down at their hands and trailing his eyes up towards Dan's face. His mouth was upturned into a smile that had been permanent ever since they said those three little words that meant more than what life made them to mean.

The brown haired boy's mind was racing with a million words that he wanted to say to the other but he managed to say everything he wanted to say just by holding his hand and brushing against him slightly as they walked. Dan had learned that sometimes just being with Phil meant more than anything he could say to him.

Night had fallen and the pavement was illuminated by the street lamps. Their was an evening chill and the sound of crickets seemed to be deafening due to the lack of cars on the residential street of Dan's neighbourhood. It was one of those perfect late nights where it seemed like the world was on pause except for you.

Soon, Dan's house came into view and it was surprised to see the lights still on. Normally, his mum would be asleep by now since she got up fairly early for work every morning. His mind wandered to the worst case scenarios instead of just thinking she was simply staying up a bit later. What if some family member died? What if something happened to his dad? He hadn't seen him for six months now and he could tell it was hard for his mum and he couldn't imagine how she'd feel if something awful happened. Not seeing him every day was bad enough.

He opened the front door, pulling Phil inside because he didn't want to face the worst case scenarios without him. Plus, he didn't want to say goodbye just yet. Dan popped his head around the corner to look into the living room and almost dropped dead.

It wasn't the worst case scenario, it was the best case scenario. His dad was home.

He let go on Phil's hand and ran over to hug his dad. The tears were rolling down his cheeks and he didn't care. His mum was crying, his dad was crying, even Phil was crying, though he was trying to hide it the best he could. This was the first time Dan had seen his dad since Christmas. Half a year had gone by and all he was able to do was send letters and participate in laggy skype calls that never lasted more than ten minutes. Having him home was always where he and his mum were the happiest and right now, he couldn't be happier.

"I've missed you, Dan. So much. I hate not being able to see you and your mum every day."

Dan squeezed his dad tighter before pulling away and smiling up at him, tear stains evident, but happy tears.

"Is this the famous Phil I've heard so much about?"

Phil waved with wide eyes before awkwardly shuffling over and reaching out to shake the man's hand. "That's me. It's nice to meet you, sir."

"A gentleman too. I approve."

Dan and Phil blushed as they glanced at each other, smiling softly. Dan was thankful that both of his parents accepted his sexual orientation. It made coming out a hundred times easier knowing they already supported it before they knew about their son. Dan had heard horror stories and luckily for him he got the good conclusion.

"I don't want to interrupt the family reunion, so, I'll be on my way then."

"Nonsense! Phil, you are family. It's too late to be going home now. You can stay the night, if you'd like." Dan's mum said sweetly. "Both of you should go off to bed anyways, we have plenty of time to spend together."

"Thank you, I really appreciate it."

Dan was silently thanking the gods, he really didn't want Phil to leave. Hearing his mum call him apart of the family was everything to him. Life truly couldn't get any better than it was now.

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