t w e n t y s i x

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Dan had been trying his best to not sulk over Phil, but it was hard when it had already been a month since he left for the tour. They had been trying their best to text every day and Skype whenever Phil had the time and the Internet connection. Their text conversations usually lasted a few minutes or would be sporadic throughout the day, and their Skype sessions were mainly Phil talking about the tour as he tried to keep his eyes open and Dan occasionally writing on a dry erase board to reply.

There were too many days where Dan stayed in his room, sulking away because he knew Phil was either on stage or meeting fans and not with him. He knew he shouldn't be selfish, he didn't want to be, but he couldn't help what his brain thought of when he was lying down on his bedroom floor and staring up at his ceiling for hours on end.

He had tried to find a job, but anything he was slightly interested in required him to speak to customers, which obviously wasn't going to happen. The one job that seemed the best was at Tesco, where he'd spend the entire day stocking shelves and hoping no customers came up to him to ask questions. He had politely declined. He still didn't know what he wanted to do with his life and he was beginning to doubt that he ever would. For now he just wanted to be a mopey young adult who missed his boyfriend just a little too much.

Seeing pictures of Phil with Victoria made it even worse. They weren't even a couple for gods sake and she got to spend more time with Phil than Dan did. He was beginning to feel senses of hatred towards Victoria, but he blamed the envy since she was actually nice and hated it as much as both boys did. Now that the album was out and the tickets were sold and the band was getting airtime on radio stations internationally, you'd think they be able to stop with the bullshit relationship. Their management wanted it to last until the end of the year, but the tolerance level of everyone involved was running low.

Phil spent most nights trying to figure out how he could get out of it early. How they could make it seem believable enough to make management happy even if it ended earlier than planned, and how to not make either he or Victoria look like the bad guy in the "relationship." If it were up to him, he'd just go on Twitter and be blunt about it. Explain how the entire thing was a publicity stunt and how he was in love with Dan and not Victoria. Be able to say how all his songs were about Dan in interviews, and tell fans how he found inspiration and happiness in someone who was only a fan at the beginning of the year. He wanted to be honest, he wanted to be himself.

The whole situation was problematic and it was about to get worse.

Somehow, a picture leaked of Phil holding hands with Dan. He didn't remember where it was taken and he didn't know how the hell someone had seen them because they both made sure they were 100% alone whenever they made any physical contact. They had barely been outside together in the first place. The only time that really stood out to Phil as a possibility was when they were walking home after their picnic. It was the one time they weren't careful enough and that one time was the perfect opportunity to have everything they tried to hide backfire.

Media outlets went crazy once they got word of the photo and soon it was plastered in almost every magazine and some entertainment news shows on tv. Phil wouldn't care and take this as a blessing and chance to be honest if it weren't for his management being furious. He had gotten into a heated phonecall with his manager and had been told he had to go on social media and explain it was a photo from before his relationship with Victoria, and was just a one time thing. Phil argued that the majority of the fanbase already knew about Dan anyway since he himself had been a fan. Most people already knew they had formed a friendship and they weren't daft enough to notice it had become more before the publicity stunt mess had started.

The only people that gave a shit about him and Victoria were the fans who had come into the fanbase after the newest album release and the media who believed any rumour they were fed. If they got a story, they went with it. They didn't care about the details as long as it went to the front page.

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