This is a tough subject for me personally, due to the fact these points I am referring too have been very positive and helpful; as well as hurtful and so depressing it took day for me to get through these points in my life. The impact of my choices created life long scars, causing me to build a wall around myself. That being said my attitude towards others changed also. Blocking the sources,and blaming them for my own issues that created this void. Throughout this roller coaster of a life that's in front of me I've learned to just enjoy the moment. So at these points I get the joy that I was craving so much for so long ago. Now these points I keep referring to aren't so extreme but these points in life have become enjoyable again. Except for one single area of my life where the roller coaster seems to keep climbing and all that I have known as well as work through just builds up to no end. I again take a step away from all that negativity and arrogance bit this time, even if I tried i could not blame myself for constant rage against me. This area of my life,in which every single person who has ever even just heard about this roller coaster, tells me that with time it to shall smooth itself out. At some point the extremes will slowly just become more stable. Certain choices are what got this area of my life so unstable,but now I am not the one causing the things that are making the roller coaster rage. Peace is now apart of my life. No longer do I have to be on such a raging rapid sort of thing. Now I don't even have to watch it. At this point, again I am able to turn around and enjoy this life I have. My life now that I came through so many point, that it is pointless to go back to the way it was for so long. Many lessons learned from this life I have. The feeling of peace is something that I would have never even expected to be in my life. So at this point I continue to grow as a person, my days have become alot more smooth. I had planned for my life to go other directions but now that I am here it really does feel like every things is alright. So many choices could have been different, but now I am more focused then ever to get peace...
Being the bigger person and Try to just be positive
Phi Hư Cấusort of a life story about working hard,being the blamed as a source of many other people's issues is tough & still maintaining to smile and somehow stay positive all at the same time takes a toll...