Chapter 16

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Aura's POV:

All of this time it was me. I'm the Queen of Brooklyn. I wonder how I lost my memories. I tried to think of what I did the last time I was ever seen. Then I remember I got into a fight with the Delancey's. I got knocked out and fell hard in a pile of debris. I heard Oscar calling me.I heard his heavy footsteps climb up the stairs and walk towards my room. I was thinking of climbing out the window and running away until I realized this is it. I can't run away anymore. It's time to face him. I slowly came out of the door only saying softly that I was the queen of Brooklyn. "I'm gonna need you to speak up." he said. I looked him dead in the eye with no fear. "I'm the queen of Brooklyn. My real name is Aurelia. Was I loud and clear, my love. If you even are my love." I said.

"Now why would you think something ridiculous like that." said Oscar. I pushed me away as he tried to hold me. "It's all because of you. I've spent days listening to you and going by your rules because you said people out there would just hurt me. When all this time I should've realized you were the one hurting me." I said as I climbed down the stairs starting to take down my wedding hairstyle. "Everything I did for you was to protect you." I highly doubt that he was trying to protect me. "Where are you going?" I started to rip off anything that was on me for the wedding."Home. I know Spot's waiting for me." I said. "He won't be there when you get to Brooklyn I made sure of it." I realized something else on the night that Spot left me. I knew he wouldn't steal my music box and leave me. This has got to be the work of Oscar.

"What did you do to him?" I asked. "Lets just say he's in a better place right now." I gasped to myself and sunk down to the floor breathing heavily. He can't be dead. Oscar wouldn't kill him. Spot could've been brutally beaten. But he just can't be dead. "Now now it'll be alright. This is all going according to plan now how about we forget about this and just go on to the wedding." said Oscar and he helped me up. I've had it. I've had it with being someone I'm not. "No Oscar I won't. I'm done with the lies. You were wrong about me and everything else. And I'm gonna find Spot and set things right." I started to head towards the door, Oscar grabbed me by the arm dragging me away. I turned around and slapped him hard on the cheek that it knocked him down to the floor. "You want me to become the villain. Alright fine now you get to see my nasty side." When I was halfway out there he grabbed me and covered my mouth.

He threw me back in the house grabbing me by my hair and putting a knife against my throat. "I never wanted it to come to this. But you made your decision." After that I found myself tied to my bed post. I heard someone trying to come through my window. I tried to scoot back farther but it was no use my hands were tied up. I sighed a sigh of relief when I found out it was Rosie climbing in my room. "Rosie! I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for everything. I'm sorry for everything I said to you before. I know now. It's me. It's been me all along. My real name is Aurelia. I'm the queen of Brooklyn." I tried to speak quietly so Oscar wouldn't come up. "That's great. I knew you would come around. We have to get you out of here." I stopped Rosie from untying me because I just need Spot to see me. I have to tell him.

"No. I have to have Spot come here. I want to see him again. I want to apologize to him." I said. "You lovebirds." I remember so much when Rosie kept teasing me so much of how I had feelings for Spot. "Before you leave take everything that clumped up on the bed here." Everything from my past. The music box, the barrette, the locket. Just everything. "Bring it to Spot and tell him the good news and that I need help. And quickly, I'm not sure when Oscar will come back up here." I said as she picked everything up in the box.

Spot's POV:

I'm a monster. I am a monster. The stories that people said about me. They're true. I just can't believe I hurt her like that. I don't think she can even look at me anymore. If only I didn't leave her alone that night this wouldn't have happened. What really happened was Oscar and Morris knocked me out and put me on a horse making Aura think i left her with her music box. I swear I gave it back to her. Someone must've stole it last night while we had our alone time. I wonder how Rosie got it back. But she insists not to tell. She said it's a long story. But the fact is that I hurt Aura again. How can I be with her if I keep hurting her?

But maybe this is what I am and I haven't embraced it yet. If this is what I am then I have to start acting like a monster. And a monster lives alone in solitude. Blocks everything out from the outside world. Rosie came running in my room again acting all hyper and panicky again. "I'se swear every time you come in my room you'se always act like this." I said. "How I'm acting doesn't matter because I have good news. I was unable to get into the house so I started eavesdropping from a window, thank god that the window was slightly open. The good news is that Aura remembered. She remembers now! All of it!"

That is good news. My Aura has finally remembered. I knew she wouldn't forget. How can she forget about me? I'se knew that her memories were inside of her. They'se just have to be woken up. But now I won't stand to see Osca hurt Aura anymore. I'm coming over there to pick up my queen right now. And when I bring her home I'm gonna hold and love her like I never had before.

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