werewolf!junkrat x reader part 1

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(Okay so this is gonna follow a bit of a different plot so be prepared! Junkrat isnt in overwatch and has fled into the forests due to a heist gone wrong he is split up with his bodyguard...cue you)

I was carrying my groceries home, along the outskirts of town when i could hear the sound of agonising whines and cries in pain, it sounded like an animal in distress. It was dark, the street was lowlit with a old rusty play ground to my left and dense woods to my right.

I looked around for the sound until i saw a bush just off the path rustle, i gasped and jumped a little, this road was always creepy at this time of night, and the ammount of police cars earlier near a small garage was slightly disturbing, this place wasnt known for robbery or even the full scale destruction of a building.

The bush rustled again, a skinny, small scrawny pup limped out panting and bloody, two limbs missing where flesh had lumped over...old wounds?

"Hey buddy" i smiled kneeling down "what are you doing?" I tilted my head to try and get the malnourished hound's attention.

It looked up at me, tongue hanging out and tail wagging happily until it tried moving again, resulting in painful cries from the pup.

I looked around and quickly scooped the pup into my arms putting it into the grocery bag, everything was tinned anyway, no fresh food so the blood wouldnt spoil anything.

The pup whined and struggled and looked back to the bush.

"Is there something in there buddy?" I asked leaning down.

I put my arm in the bush and fumbled around before feeling something cold and metal, i pulled it out and jumped.

It was a metal arm? And a peg leg, sloppily tied together.

"Is your owner lost somewhere?" I asked to the pup slipping them in the grocery bag beside it.

The dogs attitude suddenly changed licking my face and tail wagging.

"Lets get you warm boy" i smiled scruffing the golden fur which was very dirty, before rushing home.


I got in, closing the door and flicking the lock shut dont want anyone breaking in my home from that incident not too far away.

"Well pup, lets get you some grub, i dont have dog food but how does some leftover beef sound?" I asked setting the grocery bag down "we can look at them wounds too" i smiled.

The dog wobbled out due to lack of wounds and barked at the sound of food.

I smiled ruffling the fur between his ears "alright, i'll go and get you something." I chimed. "Get comfy on the rug little guy" i smiled walking away into the other room.

The pup barked after me but the barks soon died down.

I put the whole joint of leftover beef into the microwave and set it to go. I sighed and looked out of the window.

Minutes later the timer beeped telling me the beef was done.

"Pup, food!" I called out.

*no response*

"Pup?" I asked walking out into the living room where i left him.

The tv was on, how odd? But the volume was so low that i didnt notice, i saw the golden fur of the pup sticking out of a blanket left there.

"Hey." I called out.

Pup turned but...it wasnt pup instead it was a fully grown guy, mucky face and tanned skin.

I screamed as loud as i could and staggered back.

"Hey hey hey wait sheila its me 'pup!" He shouted after me. Turning to he was on his hands and knees.

Or hand and knees...

I looked at his missing limbs, the blood pouring out of his side.

"P-pup is a dog!"

"Yer pup is a werewolf!" He tried to stand but due to lack of leg he stumbled and collapsed forward onto the sofa. "I wish i could comfort ya sheila but i need yer help!" He practically barked "calm down and get my stuff out yer bag!" He poined to the grocery bag.

I stood frozen for a second staring at him before mumbling "o-ok." Dismissing his werewolf bullshit i walked over to the bag and pulled out the sloppily tied pegleg and arm from earlier.

"Thanks" he offered his hand to me, i put the limbs in his hand and he sat back down.

"When you are finished you can leave." I growled "i opted to take in a dog, not a stray man."

He beamed a grin at me and fit the peg leg on, standing fully. "Listen, i cant leave right now because i had an accident and if i go then i will get caught by the police" he crossed his arms as he fit it.


"All i did was cut the wrong wire and i levelled a building!" He ranted "now roadhog is gone and i need yer help!" He smiled at me "please sheila, i wont let'cha get hurt in return! And maybe you can come with me in the end!" He winked.

"You're the one who the police are after! I dont even know you, i have never seen you before in my life, how do i know you wont kill me?" I asked.

"Look here sheila-"

"No you look here mr.pup!" I jabbed my nail into his bare chest "you stay ONE day and ONE DAY ALONE!" i growled "i dont want to be involved in your crazy plots or wire cutting issues!" I turned away "you will sleep on the sofa.

"The name is junkrat to you!"

"And its y/n to you." I crossed my arms walking out into the kitchen.

Junkrat followed me into the kitchen and watched me slice the meat.

"I hope no one else is due here." He looked around.

"I live alone, just me." I looked at him.

"Ya dont look a day over 18, why are ya alone?" He asked leaning on the door.

I sighed and looked back "i'm 23 but i appreciate the compliment." I shrugged looking back to the meat.

"No way! Your nearly my age!"

"If this is some way to make conversation with me then well done." I growled.

"Wow geez...!" He deadpanned.

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