Junkrat x Short!reader (gender neutral)

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(Requested by @liliamari2)

Sometimes my dwarfish height would make me a laughing stock at the overwatch headquarters, jumping to reach things and swiping my arms at the shelves like a cat taunted by a bird. I would grunt and walk in circles, pacing around underneath items that stood superior to me, I would spend valuable time pulling tables undershelves so I could stand up on them to fetch empty clips for guns, or a spanner or simple silly things such as chewing gum, drinks and more.
Wobbling on rickety stools, toppling from tables or rolling off wheely chairs, I was very clumsy, and I hated it. If people were in the same room as me I would be laughed at for being so 'wobbly' It was horrible, or so I found it.

I'd never told anyone to stop laughing at me, but one laugh annoyed me the most, it didn't even sound like a laugh, it sounded more of a stressed jittery high pitched hiccup of death! That laugh was one of those laughs that was more of a repellent than a bad smell.

Sometimes it was his laugh that would make me fall, land on my butt so my butt hurts, my chest so I'm winded, my back so I end up in pain for hours.

Cold compresses, a bag of peas, an ice pack, even Mei was my best friend at this point, and she was the one who helped my back, with ice. Nasty bruises that lasted weeks, especially with rolling chairs, black, blue, some green, I was a rainbow of colour, painful colour.

It was one late night in the office of mine, I was sat up fiddling with a jammed gun, I was the munitions officer and the weapon mechanist, I provided the ammo and the maintenance, everyone just ran around, shooting and reloading, no one knew what truly went on when keeping a gun happy and healthy.

I was unjamming a handmade grenade launcher made by the man of death laughs, the laugh that sounded like a screeching fork on a plate, nails on a chalkboard, Jamison.
He had been over my shoulder now for nearly an hour, asking; 'what's stuck, what's jammed, is it done yet, can I fight now?' like a nagging child going to a theme park, questions rolled into more questions until eventually I had enough.

"Just when are you going to shut up?" I asked through gritted teeth.
"Only when you fix my damn gun!" he released a breathy cackle which made me cringe and sink back into my chair.

"You are the only person who watches me work" I pointed out
"I know" he smiled "someone has to learn to fix me gun when you go" he chuckled again causing me to grip the spanner.

"I'm not GOING anywhere!" I threw the spanner down on his head with a swift 'bonk!'
He whimpered holding his head with both hands "I'm just sayin! No need to be violent ya know!" he rubbed his head.

I pulled my spanner back and looked away "well stop it!" I looked back to his gun and begun to take it apart to see what was jammed.

Jamison went back to looking over my shoulder, only a few seconds later to yank the spanner out of my hand when I reached for it, I slid off my chair and went to get it, he raised it above his head and swung it left and right in a taunting manner.

"Jamison!" I growled jumping for the spanner, once again looking like a taunted cat, he begun to laugh which made my situation all the worse.

"C'mon y/n! Get the spanner c'mon!" he cooed and taunted, continuing to sway it.
"That's my favourite spanner c'mon!" I waved my arms at him, no longer jumping due to tiredness, when I did jump it was a pathetic hop that made me hit the floor harder than I did jumping from it.

Jamison slipped the spanner into his back pocket, looking back at me he gave a menacing but equally amused smile before sprinting off down the hall.

I flopped on the desk, damn him, there has to be some way to get him back.
I looked at the top shelf to see another spanner I then looked at some rope and a pulley device, I then smiled evilly, hehehe...


Jamison walked into y/n's workshop to see that y/n wasn't around, a note was on the desk however, he walked up to it and pulled it into his hands to read.
"jaaaamison." He read slowly as if he couldn't read.
"meeeet meee attt the haall...ASAP, froom y/n." he looked over the note to the desk where he saw his gun was missing.
He grinned and ran down the hallway and to the meeting hall.
He then saw y/n stood in there with a rope, his sweet gun hanging from the ceiling.


"payback's a bitch Jamison" she grinned "give me my spanner and I won't make this painful!" she demanded.
Jamison looked at his precious gun, I laughed as he ran at it and went to reach it, I pulled the rope down which raised the gun out of his reach.

"Awww, poor Jamison, it seems someone is too short!" I taunted, releasing the rope a little, dropping the gun back and raising it up as he jumped for it.

"Dammit y/n!" he cried "give my gun back or you'll be sorry!" he barked at her in anger.
This was a new type of anger I had seen, he lost interest in the gun and came marching at me, stopping just before me, he grabbed my chin and forced me to face him.

"You have three seconds to give me back my gun!" he gripped my chin tighter smushing my face together. I struggled in his grip.

"3..." he counted.


I kept the rope in my hand.

"give.me.my.spanner!" I demanded.

"1" he growled as he threw my head to one side and nipped into my neck with his teeth.

I squeaked and struggled, he grabbed the rope from my hands and tied my wrists together, forbidden feelings for this colleague shot through my veins, I slid to my knees, the gun getting higher as I moved down.

He looked at the gun and back to me "so you won't give me it back then? Must mean you want more?" he chuckled.

I looked up at him "Jamison! I-"he placed a finger over my lips I felt the heat surge through my body, gathering at my cheeks and in my stomach.

"shh" he hushed "I didn't say you could talk" he gave an evil grin, he leaned into my neck, threading my hair though his fingers "now stay still and stay quiet he commanded."

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