Chapter 12

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It was 2 in the morning and i was already giving up on this assignment.

I needed a break ASAP!

As i scrolled through, i came across an article from Forest Hills in 1864,and that made me not want a break all of a sudden.

I read through it.

And let me tell you what i found,which i thought was a bit scary:
»Forest Hills was founded by vampires
»Vampires have dissappeared since then
»The founding families were the Lawley's,

*door bell rings*

I flinched.

I closed my laptop and ran down stairs.

I slowed down as i got closer to the door.

What kind of person visits at 2 almost 3 in the morning.

I was a little afraid.

I tip-toed to the chimney in the living room and took a stick thingy to clean it.

I then tip-toed to the door,and looked through the peek-hole.

There wasn't anyone.

I held the stick thingy the whole time in case it came in handy.

I opened slowly.

There was a yellow envolope,i looked outside there wasn't anyone.

The cold breeze gave me goosebumps.

I picked up the folder and locked the door.

I thought maybe the mailman left it here on accident.

But no,it was adressed to this house.

Yet again mail mans don't deliver so late.

I went upstairs to my bedroom.

Threw my folder on the bed and wanted to continue reading.

I opened my computer.

And the articles where not here anymore.

I searched them up,nothing appeared.

It was like it never existed.

But what kept me thinking was the Lawley family,and how they were the 'founding families' of this town.

There were a few others on the list that i didn't get to read.

Did that mean that Kian's family were one of the very first people to populate Forest Hills.

I was curious about what could of been inside that folder.

I sat on my bed and unwrapped the little string that sealed everything together.

There was 2 pieces of paper and a small wooden box.

The second piece of paper looked old and it was crumbly and thick.

The first one was written in very, very beautiful hand writting.

I read the first piece of paper.

Dear Camila,

Hello. I am looking forward to meeting you soon. Please forward this message to Mr.Lawley; I will be watching.

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