chapter 7

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  Poor Dybala *still crying underneath my bed*  

GERARD PIQUÉ: @Rakitić did you just fell

IVAN RAKITIĆ: No, I was just spending some time with the ground.

GERARD PIQUÉ: Why were you crying?

IVAN RAKITIĆ: It was a very emotional time.

IVAN RAKITIĆ: Please respect our privacy.

OLIVIA: What's going on

LIONEL MESSI: We have training

GERARD PIQUE: I think Neymar has a girlfriend

OLIVIA: No way


GERARD PIQUE: He's texting someone the entire time and when he gets a response his face light up like a sun

NEYMAR: I've been texting Olivia you idiots


GERARD PIQUE: Why would you text her?

NEYMAR: because I'm a good friend

OLIVIA: Because he wanted to see my photo

NEYMAR: Please, I wouldn't show it to anybody

OLIVIA: Let me think



OLIVIA: Do I have to spell it for you N-O.

NEYMAR: Oh come on one photo.

OLIVIA: I'm going to leave if you keep asking me for it

NEYMAR: Ok ok I won't

OLIVIA: Btw hey and how are you guys?

ROBERT LEWANDOWSKI: I've been better

OLIVIA: Hey it was only the team's fault you ended up  2-2

ROBERT LEWANDOWSKI: I know but we were winning and then shit happened

OLIVIA: At least you didn't lose

PAULO DYBALA: What am I supposed to say?  I got a red card at least you can play

OLIVIA: I still think you didn't deserve that 

Robert Lewandowski: At least Argentina won

OLIVIA: Omg guys stop putting yourself on worst positions than you're irl.

LIONEL MESSI: Aren't you supposed to be back at school or something

OLIVIA: Nope my ankle got worse and I have to stay at home for few more days

OLIVIA: And I hate to say that but I miss school

PAULO DYBALA: I know what you mean it's so weird when you get used to something

OLIVIA: Exactly

OLIVIA: And when I was at school Neymar couldn't send me messages so at least he wasn't annoying me

NEYMAR: Hey I'm not annoying you

GERARD PIQUÉ: You're annoying everyone just by being you

LIONEL MESSI: Congrats Gerard now I have to deal with crying mess called Neymar

GERARD PIQUÉ: Omg Neymar I didn't mean to hurt your feelings

GERARD PIQUÉ: Forgive me babe

CRISTIANO RONALDO: Messi is the only one who can call him babe

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