The Hospital

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In about 5 mins we were at the

hospital. I was staying by ray no matter

what but damn they were going so fast.

They told me to stay in the waiting

room and I was oh hell naw I wanted to

stay with ray but I guess I had to listen

tho. Mom, dad and the rest of my

siblings came running in. They all

hugged me and thanking God that I'm

safe. Mom checked herself in and went

in the room ray is in. China and gabe

were crying and they were so in

shocked to speak. Sierra asked "Lou

what happened?" I explained "I heard

someone but they never answered so I

got my pocket knife and stabbed him

accidentally I didn't know it was ray

but when I knew I couldn't control

myself I couldn't stop." I'm starting

crying again. I started sobbing in

sierras arms. "It was all my fault" I kept

saying in her arms. I screamed "it's all

my fault!!" Everybody stopped what

they were doing and stared at me. I

started sobbing in Sierras arms again. I

have anger management problems, so

when I'm sad or mad or both. I start

crying uncontrollably and just want to

cut myself again or hit something. Yeah

I said I'm not emo but I used to cut

myself but I stopped like 7 years ago.

I try not to start again but I'm

emotionally wrecked right now. I'm

insanely crying though because ray was

my brother and I really loved him he

cared about me so much and even

though he's popular and all that he

wasn't like all those stuck-up popular

kids. When I was little he used to read

me stories and tucked me in at night.

We have a strong connection towards

each other. Mom came out of the room

and came straight to me. I hugged her

so tight like a teddy bear and cried

again. I asked her "is he ok?" But she

didn't answer instead she said "honey I

need to know what happened?" Ugh I

knew this was coming. So I explained

again "I heard somebody but they

never answered so I grabbed my pocket

knife and I ---" I started crying while

explaining it until I saw "her". That

same girl that was in the window but

she was with another girl who looks

almost actually like her. They could be

twins or are they actually twins? The

another girl had sandy brown hair but

dyed her ends to darkish blond. Her

eyes....her eyes are beautiful. They

sparkle like a ocean at night. They both

had the same complexion but she's

skinnier. She probably could do

backflips and stuff that's flexible. She's

very in shape, both of them are though.

Both of them are gorgeous except their

clothes. When I saw the girl with the

red eyes, her clothes look like she lived

in a mansion. But now they look like

that they're shredded and torn to piece.

The other girl didn't, she looked like a

prim and proper girl. I guess

something happened to her maybe

that's why her clothes were torn and

raggedy. I was staring at them and

somehow they know that I was staring

so they stared right back at me. I saw

the girl who I saw in the window point

at me and said something to her, I

think, sister. I know they are talking

about me, now I'm mad. Who the hell

are these people? Why are they like

fucking following me? I need fucking

information about them. I got stopped

in the middle of thinking by mom. Oh

shit I forgot I was talking to mom. She

asked "who were you staring at?" She

looked the direction I was looking but

by the time I looked again they were

gone. Again. What the fuck is going on


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