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Two years later.

Erin stood in the driveway of the Bunker, two year old Mariah on her hip; Bo, their 3 year old German Shepherd, sitting beside her, wagging his tail.
"Daddy and Uncle Sam are on their way home!" She said to her daughter, exciting the little girl.

"Daddy, Daddy!!" The little girl shouts, waving her arms and bouncing in her mother's grasp.

Bo stands up when he hears the rumble of the Impala, and barks a time or two, and jumps up to meet Erin's hand and she scruffles his ears.

Erin called Bo over by the door as the Impala pulled closer; and she was unable to keep the smile from her face when she saw her husband for the first time in a week.

Not even waiting for Sam to pull up in his own truck behind him, Dean jumped out of the Impala, jugging towards his wife and daughter; boots thudding on the pavement.

Bo got to him first though, and attacked him with kisses, barking and jumping.
"Good boy, Bo, down, good boy." Dean laughed, convincing the dog to calm down enough for him to run in circles beside Erin.

As Dean reached Erin, his smile grew bigger, if that was possible. He scooped the brunette-haired girl into his arms, giving her eskimo kisses; their identical green eyes locked on each other.

He kissed her forehead quickly, then reached with his left arm to pull his wife towards him, and pressed their lips together.

"I missed you guys." He said, grinning down at Bo, who was patiently sitting in front of him, wagging his tail and panting.

"We missed you too, didn't we, Ri?" She asked her daughter, and she nodded.

"Missed you lots Daddy." Mariah told Dean,wrapping her tiny arms around his neck.

"I missed you too, sweetheart." He whispered, kissing her hair.

"I think that's the longest you've been away from Erin since before you had Mariah." Sam called, smiling at the group. He knelt down to pet Bo, then grabbed a random stick and tossed it down the driveway, laughing as the shepherd took off after it.

"Missed ya." Sam said, hugging Erin.

"Missed you too, Sam." She returned, then watched as Sam played a mini game of peek-a-boo with Mariah.

Erin laughed at her daughter's shriek, then held her hands out. "Let me take this monster, you two unload the cars and come in and get cleaned up. I made soup." She said, taking her daughter in her arms and standing on her tip toes to kiss Dean.

"Don't take too long, I might eat it all!" She called over her shoulder, before whistling for Bo, who came thundering across the driveway and down the stairs into the bunker - stick tightly held in his jaws.


Later that night, after Mariah had been put to bed, and Bo had grown tired of gnawing on his soup bone, the three adults found themselves in front of the fire on the couch.

"Not trying to make too much of a chick flick moment, but you know, we're a pretty beautiful little family." Erin said almost to herself.

"Ohh, too sappy." Sam half-heardetly  joked.

"Yeah, we're pretty damn cute, aren't we?" Dean agreed, kissing Erin's shoulder.

"The only cute one around here is Mariah." Sam snorted, earning a kick from Erin.

"Don't be a shit, Sam." Erin laughed. "But seriously. We make an amazing hunting team, and an even more amazing family." She said quietly.

"We do." Dean replied.

After a few minutes of silence, Erin spoke again.

"I'm so glad you guys dragged me back into this life. I honestly can't imagine what my life would be like had you not." 

"You'd probably be a stupidly successful doctor without being married to a criminal." Dean joked.

"Well, once Mariah starts school, maybe I could start working as the school nurse, so I can keep an eye on her at all times." Erin joked back.

That earned a snort from Sam, and a squeeze from Dean.

The trio fell into silence once again, only the crackling fire and Bo's occasional snore for ambient noise.

They really did make an amazing family.

The End.

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