kick and squeal

398 11 16

Warnings: NSFW mention, fighting, and swearing

The party was quiet, as they all were. Usually, Carl was sulking around the alcohol or the upstairs bedrooms to avoid the other party guests, but tonight he was following a certain someone, making sure he didn't do anything like last time. Except, Carl had almost no idea what had happened 'last time', only haven seen Ron run off into the night, hand in hand with Enid. That was enough proof for Carl to want to keep an eye on his supposed friends, not exactly enjoying the party, to begin with. Beer in hand, courtesy of his father, he opened the back door and stepped onto the pavement of the dimly lit porch, where Mikey and Ron were play fighting, buzzed from the drinks. Enid stood nearby, laughing at the boys' antics.

Walking over with the smallest of springs in his steps, he stood beside Enid, waiting a moment before leaning in to whisper in her ear.

"Can we get out of here?"

Turning slightly, she gave him a look.


Annoyance edged into Carl's tone as he shifted from side to side, eyeing the other teens as they rough housed.

"Why not?"

"There's beer here."

With an eye roll, he murmured to her, "My dad has beer at the house."

This seemed to interest her. Solitude and alcohol without adult supervision? Who could say no? She nodded curtly and the two began to inch away.

"Hey, wait-" Mikey began, but Ron reached them first.

"Where are you going?" He sounded demanding and he pulled on Carl's shoulder, to bring him face to face.

"We're leaving." Carl spat angrily, looking Ron up and down, habitually.

"Not with Enid, you're not. You think I'm stupid?"


It wasn't clear who threw the first punch; both went to move at the same time, fists clenched. Ron's hit missed and connected with the other's shoulder while Carl's landed Ron on the jaw. Barreling Carl over and into the grass was Ron's plan B, and it worked. They rolled, staining their only articles of nice clothing. Enid glared and sneered at the pathetic excuse for a fight, slinking inside without either of them noticing, a distressed Mikey hot on her heels.

Ron and Carl did not stop though, even when they heard the door open and close. This hatred ran deep in their bones.

A fist full of hair was caught in Ron's clenched fist and a hard yank made Carl cry out, grabbing Ron's right arm roughly, trying to push him up and off. It just made him yelp and grow angrier. Clawing for Carl's wrists, he shoved him back down into the dirt, pinning him.

"What'd'ya going to do now, Grimes?!" He yelled, spitting in Carl's face. He was soaked in sweat from the struggle, panting and exhausted.

"Enid is my girlfriend, and no matter how much you want to-" He froze, looking down as he felt Carl struggle more. Something hard had- Oh, no.

Ron jumped up quickly and Carl rolled over, obviously shaken.

"What was that-?!"

"Fuck off!" Carl yelled, ears red as fire as he desperately tried to get away from Ron's judgmental gaze.

"Carl-!" He leaped forward again, spinning him around, getting a good look at the bulge in his supposed enemy's pants before looking away in shock.

There was silence in the crisp night air, aside from Carl's pants and stressed mutters to himself, trying to compose himself and brush off the dirt.

"Do you LIKE me?" Ron asked and Carl reddened more, if possible, angry and embarrassed.

"Hell no!" He pushed past Ron, tugging his shirt down over his crotch and going inside, leaving a confused and unsure Ron alone in the yard.

ONE EYED BOY [C. Grimes][Rarl]Where stories live. Discover now