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Warnings: gore, swearing

"I'm gonna beat the holy hell out of one of you," Negan had said, voice dripping with obvious pleasure at seeing them at his bat's mercy.

It was a lie. Two people were dead now, not just one. Abraham's skull was split, red hair matted with blood, while Glenn was simply unrecognizable. Maggie kneeled by him, sobbing uncontrollably. Negan didn't bother her; he knew she was harmless in the state she was in.

"Woah!" He howled into the crisp night air, his being the only voice apart from the choking cries of the Alexandrian people. "Ain't that fun?!" He grinned, turning full circle to look at the tear-stained faces of the group, pearly whites bared in sickening joy.

"Two for one!"

No one laughed, not even the Saviors. They simply watched, hoping to witness one more bloody decapitation. Carl's eyes were stinging with tears he wouldn't let fall, eyes focused on the dirt as he listened to Ron retch beside him, unable to stomach the scene before him.

"Come on Blondie," Negan said, boots crunching gravel as he sauntered his way over to the teens, eyes narrowed in pride at the reaction he could get out of the weaker stomachs. "Grow a pair."

Ron choked up the last of the bile in his stomach, coughing as he raised his gaze to meet Negan's. Carl silently begged him to stay quiet, begged him not to say anything that would get him killed, end with him on the ground like his family.

"You're..." Ron shuttered, spitting the sick taste from his mouth, tears streaming his face. "... A sick bastard..."

The last word hung in the air like a hairpin about to drop, and Carl's whole body seemed to freeze, dread coursing through every part of his body.

And Negan laughed. "Damn, kid! Does Blondie wanna play some fuckin' ball, too?" He lightly gripped his bat with one hand, and feigned a swing at Ron's head, as if lining up his aim.
Carl broke.

The noises that escaped his throat were unlike any other, and they had Negan staring. He cried, and he cried, begging the monster that stood over him to leave Ron alone, to take him instead. Everyone's eyes were on Carl as he uncharacteristically wailed into the dirt.

"Please," He howled, "P-please don't- hurt my baby! Please! S-stop- I-"

Negan tipped his head to the side a little, slowly crouching down in front of Carl, all thoughts of hitting Ron leaving his mind as he took interest in the previously stoic boy having a melt down.

"Wow," He crooned, watching the one eyed boy whimper and sob into the ground at his boots.
"What a show this is. No, I'll leave your precious little 'boyfriend'. This is just way too interestin'." He laughed loudly, making Carl and Ron flinch.

Negan stood.

"Well, on that note, I'll be making my leave! I seem have made a lasting impression on even the bravest, it seems! Come on boys! Pack up!" He roared at the saviors and they sprung into action, loading into cars quicker than they had come.

Carl and Ron just held onto each other, buried in each other's embrace.

Things were changing, and fast.

ONE EYED BOY [C. Grimes][Rarl]Where stories live. Discover now