Chapter 8- On The Job

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Hey everyone this chapter is connected to my sequel In Due Time. It's the sequel to On My Door Step. I thought it would be funny to add Boston in it and think it great because of publicity for this book! Please read on my door step before In Due Time!

Laughter erupted around the room almost instantly as Diavolo clenched his fist and his cheeks tinted with pink. I laugh as well, actually chuckle because I don't like the idea of death at such a young age, and to such a beautiful person too. I see Amedeo laugh as well just the slightest but what I hear next makes my cheeks tint red.

"Boston, twerks excessively especially in front of the mirror. Not only this but she doesn't shave her legs" everyone seems serious and sort of bored except for one man in the corner who stands up clapping. I chuckle while waving my hands trying to shrug it off but everyone seems to have gotten tense and angry. Half the man had stood up and most had their guns pointed straight at the man. Diavolo's hand cups my waist and brings me back around so I face his back only left with a sliver of what is happening.

"Popov sends his regards by the way. Especially to your Hitman." I feel his muscles tense as my hands reach out for his back. He seems even more tensed when I touch him so I let go. Well so much for the woman soothes the man heroically. Like seriously. But Popov was hilarious. Like what is that? Some disease from Nigeria. First with Ebola now the whole world is infected with some other epidemic. Crap I need to wash my hands more often. I hold my hand over my mouth almost about to burst our laughing at my own thoughts.

"Get out and tell that Russian scum to suck a-" I can't help it I burst out laughing well mostly crying. Dominic the man who had spoken, also Amedeo's second hand, right hand something to do with a hand looked confused as I tried to suppress my chuckles.

"Aaaa is that her?" The Russian guy asks this stops my giggles at once as Diavolo moves aside.
"She is a beauty isn't she?? Isn't she? She'd do lovely with a doggy collar"

"OH HELL TO THE NO!" My reaction is instant as I move forward.
"Who the hell do you think you are?"


"Coming up here and calling me a dog not only that but insulting my hairy legs like you do not know what it is like to shave! It is difficult"


"It is messed up and don't get me started on them cheap ass razors America has imported like what the hell? Venus ain't no Mars and we definitely ain't getting no Nono!" The gun shot makes me jump as my eyes focus on the man who lays bloody on the floor.

"What is wrong with you?!" My yells resonate off the walls as my ears ring heavily.
"He was a suicide bomber sent by Popov" Amedeo says this calmly as two men I know as Fred and Dean remove the body and take the bomb into a different room.

"You just shoot people!" Diavolo smirks with his devilish ways as Amedeo nods.
"He was an enemy"

"I had food in my stomach and now I probably just shit myself! Thank you! Thank you very much!" My shock is beyond compare as I leave the room feeling hollow and yet so heavy as if gravity presses down upon me. This place was nuts, everyone here has a gun like seriously don't you know the second amendment wasn't meant to be heavily amended. I walk slowly using the wall to balance the rush of feeling. It was all too much for a simple girl like me and although they treat me like a princess it is ridiculous to think something so horrible could happen by such beautiful people.

"Boston" I turn around to find Adriel a boy of about 13 bringing me a bucket of something. I look inside and find it full of all theses different chocolates and candy bars.
"Thank you my son" he laughs before nicking one of them and running off. I walk alone in silence to my new but temporary room. I knew I had gotten into something messed up but now it was just getting crazy. I plop down on my bed when I get in and turn on the tv. I switch till I get up to my episodes of supernatural. I'm up to season 10 because I started the show later than others.

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