Wait! What?

260 11 6

Boston's POV

My heart races and my eyes shoot open as I feel my legs grow cold and wet. I look down the pain blurring my vision. My right arm has a gash through it with shards of glass piercing through my skin. My left foot is stuck on the collapsed front part of the passengers side and I groan trying to get it out. I pull slowly but nothing happens and that's when I see the water. It's rising rapidly and has already reached my knees. Oh god. I turn for Diavolo but I don't see him in the crashed side of the drivers seat. I begin to panic the air around me being swallowed in water and my body beginning to shiver out of fear.

I twist my body trying to squeeze my foot out of from under the piece of car. But I'm stuck and I begin to panic as the water rises above my waist. This was classic. The car would fill and I would drown. I ignore my thoughts and with my left hand push on the collapsed side.
"Please move...
Please move" the tears well up in my eyes as I watch the water escalate. The only thing left was to scream.


HELP ME " I bang on the top of the car as the water races up to my chin. This was it, but I couldn't die no I couldn't there was so much I had not done yet. Like see Annabelle when she wakes up and and visit my mother's grave to talk to her about the crazy year I've been having. I haven't visited Paris or found out if I'm really allergic to peanut butter.

But it's too late as the water begins to cover my face and I grab the last sip of air before it envelopes the entire car. I had to try to do something. My lungs scream for air and I push. I remove my seat belt from restraining me and lift the heavy piece of car. It gives way and I release my foot. I cry out in happiness and fight my way through the rest of the car as my lungs beg for air.

I swim hard pushing myself up reaching for the surface. And when I make it I suck in the sweet air. I look to my side and see the small pavement that amounts to the bridge. I make my way over and get out of the water my entire body drenched. I relax for a moment breathing deeply and my hand falls on something cold and hard. I look to it and it's the small snowflake necklace I had gotten from Diavolo. I pick it up. I hadn't been wearing it since the cruise. When did I take it off? My heart beats heavily. If I did that means he had it.

Had he not made it? I feel a jolt of pain hit me. No he should have. And if he did, did he leave me to die? I stand up the necklace in hand and look to the ground to see anything else that might have been his. And on the floor is a gun, silver, one I notice he always carried. I pick it up and make my way up the pavement and on to the bridge. I knew Amedeo had crashed into us. He must have.

When I make it on the bridge the air is clear and the sunset has just begun as the sky's grow pink and green, cold and in pain I see Amedeo standing there alone. His body is leaning over his black car and he smirks.
"Had fun?" I scowl was he joking?
"Well that depends, is getting hit off the road and almost drowning fun?" I ask my body filled with hatred and anger. It pulses through me, boiling my blood.

"I find it relaxing" he says calmly.
"Where is he?" I ask my lips feeling numb from the cold. He shrugs.
"Well I don't have him, but I know who does, how about a riddle?" He says perking up just the slightest. What was he up to?

"5 years dead, 48 years alive, stubborn, ruthless and a father. Took his son for a dive. 2 went down only one went up" I scowl. Diavolo's father was dead and how could he have died after everything he had been through. I feel the clog in my throat.
"He's not dead" I say unsure of who I'm trying to convince. But he smiles and I frown.

"Maybe he is" he says. I feel the gun becoming heavier in my hand.
"The answer is probably yes, well his father is the type to let go of grudges you see..." as he talks I can't focus. My mind keeps going back to the silver gun resting in my hand.
"And of course I gave him up but..."

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