Chapter 2-Blury disfigure

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My head had hit the floor hard and the cold seeped into the side of my cheek as I open my eyes as far as they would go. Everything is a blur and the room is spinning as I see the man who had attacked me on the floor and another man with a cigarette in his mouth and a fedora hat on his head. I could not see his face clearly at the moment but there was no doubt he was attractive. The cig lay in his mouth perfectly as I stared hard to get a clear view of what he was doing.

He started to drag the men's body to the open window in the room. I had noticed the chill that filled the room from the window but I could barely feel my own toes as I lay there helpless.
He had tossed the body out of the window like it was a sack of potatoes. I watched carefully as he closed the door with his gloved hands.  His black gloves and black suit gave me reason to be afraid as he inched slowly closer to me, my eyes level with his shoes.

I couldn't feel my toes but I definitely could feel my heart race as he lent down to my eye level. His eyes were shaded by his hat and the moonlight seeping in wasn't nearly enough to eliminate the half of his face that was so well covered.
I could not speak or move or even scream for help as he reached down for me and picked me up bridal style. My arms dangled there and my legs felt wobbly as he set me down on the bed.

Feeling started to come back to me as he injects the IVs that had popped out of my arm. Yup I definitely felt that needle go in. I rest my head back and watch as he covers me up to my chest with the white cover the hospital provided. Before I could think of what I was doing I had grabbed his arm before he could walk away causing him to turn sharply. My gasp was clear as I saw the color of his eyes. They were unlike anything I had ever seen before. They were violet as though someone had mixed blue into his eyes to the point where it turned purple.

He did not move till footsteps loomed near the door and just like that he was gone. I knew better and turned my head quickly closing my eyes quickly. My phone was still on the bed where it had been when I got jumped and good thing the ringer was off. The nurse had come in then left right after.

I let out a shakes breath and text Noa immediately. Now I know it's almost five in the morning but this cannot wait.

She doesn't answer and I knew from the beginning she most likely wouldn't have. I spent the rest of the night laying there and replaying the actions of the last minute before my head begins to spin and I cannot think clearly. The pain in my stomach was extreme but after I took the pill that was left on the bed side table I was good again.

I spent the next two days in the hospital only me and Noa knowing what had happened that night seeing as she read my text first thing in the morning. When she came we spoke privately and she had sworn to not say anything. Today was the day of my discharge from the hospital and I was extremely happy to be able to get out of the hospital bed and be dressed in normal clothing. Tyler had brought clothing for me that day and I had changed immediately feeling the comfort of having my butt covered.

We were now waiting for Tyler's driver to pick us up. I played flappy bird as he did whatever he does with his time.
"So I've decided to maybe amp up the security, and to give you some more cash to be able to get a cab instead of walking home. In fact I'm going to teach you how to drive." See what I mean? I hated this side of him. He treated me as though I was fragile and that if I fell and scraped my knee we would need a swat team and four fire trucks to put a band aid on it.

I appreciated the thought don't get me wrong but I did not to become some roil rich kid because of what had happened a year ago. In fact once high school was over I would be on my own again. I can take care of myself I'm a big girl and I love Tyler he's great and all but his over reacting tactics can be obnoxious.

"Tyler there's no need for that you know me I won't listen to the rules even if there embedded in my mind with a ruler a saw and some good old fashion hammers." He just shakes his head and chuckles lowly.

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