How lovely.

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Boston's POV

I wake up turning around and seeing the big green light of 5:00 shining at me. My stomach constricts when I feel the muscle from his arm weighing down on me. I try to turn but his heavy ass arm is sticking me to one place. Arggg.
"Diavolo, Diavolo" I tap him and he shoots up making me fall right off the bed and onto the floor, on my ass.

"What?" He asks his ruffled up bed hair and violet eyes not looking so menacing anymore.
"If I had a camera" I say giggling from the floor. He looks towards me annoyed and lays back down to go to sleep.
"Diavolo I'm hungry" I say picking my self off and scanning the room again.

"So?" I scowl not exactly the best host.
"So, get off your lazy yet fin-lime ass yes limey. You have a lime butt." I end with a scoff and wait to see what he will do but he just closes his eyes and sleeps. I growl. I'm hungry and if I wasn't fed in maybe 2 minutes I would turn rabid. Like a wolf.

"Please, diaavolo" I groan and he shifts uncomfortably. I scowl.
"Get upppp" he lifts his body up and shifts his legs off the bed. Finally Jesus.

"You know you would have starved Jesus if he was in your care.." I say waiting as he grabs his phone and makes a call.
Some Italian nonsense is passed through and in like 5 minutes there is a knock at the door. He gets up and standing there is a maid with a fully pressed suit and something from sears. I scowl I wanted something hot and pressed.

"Here" he says throwing the sears bag. Inside is a pair of black merona knee high boots, black skinny jeans and a white v neck t-shirt with a black cardigan and socks, deodorant, underwear and a bra . I check the size and smile a 36C Victoria secret. Nice. At least the tags are still on. I take the bag and move towards the bathroom. My hand reaches for it at the same time as his.
"You go first" I say moving my hand back my cheeks reddening. He nods and goes in. Oh god how am I supposed to act around him now. It was just a kiss and yet he makes me nervous, extremely nervous. My stomach twist in knots.

He comes out looking fresh and moving towards the table were his guns lie. I swallow. That was still a problem. I go in and strip as fast as possible getting in the shower.

Afterwards I get dressed and brush my teeth feeling fresh and clean. One thing that stops me is my hair. I look around and sure enough under the sink there is a pink wet brush. Lord has blessed me. I brush out my curls and of course lord could not provide me with scrunchies . Oh come on! I come out very proud of how I cleaned myself up.

"Ready to go?"
"Wait what?" I ask turning my heel and facing him.
"Yes we can't stay in here forever." I scowl.
"I don't want to leave I like my cabin." Now he scowls. I wasn't joking this was the most safe I had felt in days.

"Your acting childish" he reaches for me and I back away.
"Stop or I will smite you. You don't want to get smote now do you?" He frowns.
"What is this about? Your acting absurd" he says beginning to get annoyed as he taps his foot on the ground.

"You kissed me"
"Yes I did" the silence is making me want to scream but we both do not move staring at each other waiting.
"Why?" I ask. Something I knew for sure was you don't let someone kiss you and marry you without knowing why and what they liked. The swan princess got it right.

"Are you serious? If you haven't noticed I'm not much of a sap" he says trying again. I move in front of him not allowing him to reach the door.
"Boston I will move you"
"I won't tell you another time"
"I could do this all day"

I gulp hard as my back hits the door. How was I gonna get myself out of this one. One of his hands lands on the door and I'm trapped.
"Move" he says it slowly and I frown.
"I can't dum dum I'm trapped by your thick arms." He smirks leaning and kissing the small corner right next to my mouth. My body screams as he easily pulls the door open and moves out.

I frown, would I have liked the answer anyway? I get out as well leaving the cabin behind.

We make our way onto the streets blending in with tourist and walking up alley ways. One bus, six stops and no conversation. What to do what to do besides making fun of people???

"We are here" I smile finally. Jeeze Lewis.
We walk up the small flight of stairs and into a parking lot of a mansion. How lovely. Another rich person.
He leads us to the door of the house. I wait as he knocks and a maid answers. She leads us in and I look around at the big stair case and the fancy lightbulb chandelier thingy.
"Diavolo" we turn and Nicolo is standing there. He walks towards us and I stand there awkwardly as the two talk In something I don't know.

"Boston how are you." He asks
"Starved. Is there any food in Italy or is it a myth?" I ask he smiles and leads us into a kitchen where this plump half old lady stands there cooking up something which looks like bacon and pancakes. Holy mother of cow.

I sit down and grab a plate.
"Boston could you be less rude?"
"What! She's cooking and I'm hungry" I say as the lady fills up my plate. Mmmmm.
I stuff the food in my mouth not giving a shit whose watching or if they are secretly grossed out.

"Mmmmm food orgasm" I squeal laughing.
"Slow down or you'll choke" I scowl now she speaks English. No offense lady but can't she just keep to feeding me.
"Sorry, super hungry and buttface over there didn't feed me since like yesterday morning" I say she laughs.
"Oh the horror" I nod.

"You know when I met you you were ever so tiny but still very witty" I look up dumping the food out of my mouth and tossing the food aside.
"You know me?" I ask making it sound really James bondish.
"Yes dear, why I remember when you were just a baby and you use to love this one ugly doll. Oh yes very ugly and your sister said it gave her nightmares. Still haunts me at night" I scowl how did she know about fufi?

"You know about fufi?"
"Fufi?" Diavolo says smirking as he plops a piece of bacon into his mouth and sits on the stool beside me.
I scoff "you know where she is" I mumble.
"Yep well Annabelle buried her." I gasp.

"That cheating liar she said fufi died in a car accident." Diavolo scoffs trying to swallow his food properly. I scowl. Poor fufi buried alive.

"A doll? Oh sweet pea your still as silly as ever" she says smiling.
"Well what can I say." I smile and remember fufi as she was and not how Annabelle turned her!
"Anyways I'll find it when I go home" I say thinking of poor fufi screaming for bug repellent.

"Home?" Diavolo says looking at me strange.
"Yes it is the Spanish term for casa" I say choking on my own joke.
"You can't go home" the woman says appearing like a freaking Indian shaman.

"Why not?" I scowl, "I thought all of this was to bring me home" I add.
"You don't know who you are then" i scoff what was this Kung fu panda?

"I am moana!" I scream giggling. She frowns looking to diavolo.
"Damn I'm really missing something aren't I?" They both nod.

"My dear when Amedeo dies everything will be left to you" I smile woohoo riches.
"So I'll be rich living the swag life no worries about any things" I say chilling back on my stool.
"No everything as in every debt and every favor and every life and every threat" she says.

"Oh how lovely. But not if I dye my hair and change my name
Yes I shall be Beatrice prior."

The Hitman's AssignmentDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora