Chapter 1

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Another day I'm getting up from my bed and taking a shower getting ready for a fresh new boring day at work. Oh by the way I work at a coffee shop called LaStanza café, I know super boring right? But if you must know I wasn't going to settle on being a waitress at a cheesy café but I had to because I have had a rough life and I didn't have the money to be a qualified Neurosurgeon even though I have degrees for it so I had no choice but to become a waitress and It's not study money but It's enough for least I hope.

As soon as I realise that I'm late I rush out my apartment without drying my hair, jump into my car and speed through cars on my way to work, unfortunately my job isn't really that close to where I live but you gotta do what you gotta do. When I storm through the door I see a new customer that I have never seen around before and he is sitting at my station! So I decide to just casually stroll past him but sort of shaking my big ass hips! And when I turn the corner of my eye he is looking at me and a smile is creeping up on his face, I think he noticed I was on purpose. When I finally get to my boss who is not looking very pleased I bite my lip and start thinking what I'm going to say because to be honest I always say the same thing about my hair and my alarm and BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, so when I start opening my lips slightly to talk my boss raises his hand to stop me from talking and he says, ''Don't even say it, you always have the same excuse about your hair, your alarm, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH.'' (told you), "so from now on you will work 3 shifts and don't even bother arguing it's not up for discussion.'' '' But-'' I attempt, '' End of conversation Miss Auden.'' Yeah he called me by my last name that's not good it's always Layla. I then realise I've just been embarrassed in front of the hottest guy that ever existed in entire the history of guys, so I just get his coffee and walk over to him to pour it into his cup and I now realise that he has really dark hair with a few blond streaks and he is wearing a dark blue suit that holds his body tightly in all the correct ways, he is very muscular- you could see that through his shirt and he must have realised that I was staring because he looked up from his file which I assumed was from work and he said, ''Are you going to stare at me all day or can I get some coffee?'' , I snapped out of it but I jumped to hard and I accidently poured coffee on his suit, and he jumped up while I was gasping like a swimmer running out of air and of course saying what you would be expecting me to say, ''OMG I am so sorry I didn't mean to spill it on your I'm very sure is an expensive suit!'' although I'm thinking I am kinda glad I did because he thinks he's all that and to be honest he is because as soon as I spilled it he took his tie and blazer and I don't know what to say or do so I just stand there staring and my jaw hanging open and may I say well done up there.... well done. I realise I've standing watching him way to long so I turn my head the other way and offer him another warm cloth to dry himself up and he looks terrible like some brownish, blackish liquid was poured onto his shirt so I ask, '' Is there anything I can do or get you?'' ''NO! you've already done enough!'' he snaps, and I don't know why but that takes me by surprise ''I know and I completely understand why you're so upset, you have every right to be mad.'' I say with my voice barely audible with people already looking at us and all I see is him standing there looking at me with a furious yet gorgeous smirk on his face. We just stand there for a couple of moments just staring at each other until he clears his throat and starts packing up, I start to panick because Mike ( my boss) will be very upset that I cost him a customer so I quickly say '' Please if there is anything I can do just tell me and I'll do it.'' ''Back off maybe, didn't I already say you've done enough'' he growls, literally growls at me, and stomps off leaving me stricken with fear and embarrassment and I actually feel like crying but I just swallow the lump in my throat and carry on with work hoping to never see that human being ever again, how did I get so attached so quickly..I don't even know his name!!When I finally finish my last shift at about 20:00 I lock up and go home but that man is still in my mind. When I get home I order some pizza and change into my very large football shirt and slump on my bed thinking about the day I had but when I try to think about it the first thing that comes to my mind is the guy from the coffee shop, if I haven't mentioned it he is absolutely perfect, perfect dark blue eyes that shimmer in the sunlight and get a hint of green when the light is in his face, perfect dark, dark hair that has a few blond streaks, perfect skin that is perfectly tanned and has absolutely no marks on his face and of course the perfect body that looks like it belongs to a Greek God's, slash swimmer, slash gym freak. I lay down and try to have a dreamless sleep, yet all I can think about is that man.

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