Chapter 6

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It's been two days since I last saw Logan and I still haven't been informed about which day my interview has been postponed too.I'm laying on my bed right now with my sweats on, my hair in all different directions but I have taken a shower, I can't stand not being clean it's just so...nasty.My cellphone startles me when it rings.I frown in confusion since I don't have that many friends well I only have one and that is Curtis, most people assume we're together but we just got extremely close during our past years even though he told me he was in love with me, with the love that implies more than a friend and I was completely shocked and surprised at the fact that a guy like Curtis would want to be with a girl like me but at the end he forgave me after seeing that our friendship was worth much more than this. But he forgave me for the rejection and now he's like the brother I never had. Anyway I pick up my phone." Uhhh Layla speaking?", I don't get many phonecalls ok sue me.." Yes just the lady I was looking for..Miss Auden am I wrong?" She said,"Yeah this is she." "Wonderful! Are you busy Miss?" Wow she was awfully professional, "No I'm not currently occupied.." Really Layla? "..and please call me Layla " I'm just not very fond of being addressed as miss." Uhh sure Uhm Layla?" She sounded very uncomfortable calling me that,"So what can I do for you, person of which I don't know I'm talking to?" She giggles and I smile cause it was kinda cute. "I'm Mr. Riley's P.A, you can calk me Phoebe..and I've been ordered to inform you that your interview is in 30 minutes? Is this correct?" My jaw hangs open from being  surprised, back when I thought surprises were A GOOD THING!!! How dare he!!!! I realise I haven't said anything when Phoebe starts talking again " Layla? Are you still there?", "Uhhmm y-yeah I-Im just s-surprised that's a-all..wh-when?" "Please tell me Mr. Riley had informed you earlier about this..?" She starts panicking and I just get annoyed,"Do I sound like someone who has been told about this and has absolutely every idea what you're talking about!?" I say in a calm but forced tone.

"Ohh lordy...oh no no no..I'm so very sorry Miss Auden, I-I mean Layla, I thought he maybe..that maybe he said..that maybe you had some idea what's going on and this has never happened're the first person he's done this too.." She sounds so surprised " you would think" I mutter of course I'd be the only one in the history of Xclusive Inc. Who's had an unplanned interview and 30 minutes to prepare..well actually now 20, I need to hang up on Phoebe right now. "Look thanks very much Phoebe and don't stress yourself I'm not surprised he hates my guts..I gotta go ok..I'll probably see you there." "No problem Mi...Layla" and I hang up rushing to take a quick shower..when I come out I leave my hair to air dry cause it looks amazing in its natural wavy hair has to be my favourite asset..I quickly look for a dress and see that I have nothing to wear..NADA!!?? I take the cute dress he's already seen me embarrassing. I quickly put on some light makeup so i can have that natural glow and look and when I take a glance at myself I don't look that bad for someone who took a 20 minute clean up..I grab my purse and car keys and and rush out of my apartment ready for my interview with the Devil himself...

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