Chapter 13

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I don't think I've ever looked this beautiful in my entire life. I look like a totally different person and I'm sure if my parents were alive they would love seeing me like this. "Raphael......I-I don't even know what to say..I..." I stutter cause I'm absolutely speechless, "you've made me look like such a queen.. Like such a..such a.." I couldn't find the word but Raphael said it for me "Like such a goddess..Dios mio ( my god in Spanish) you look undoubtedly flawless my dear go on and show that man what real beauty looks like." Raphael says. I turn to him "Thank you so much Raphael." I say with a small voice the tears wanting to come out "No problamo...and don't cry mi belleza ( my beauty) go and enjoy your night." And I nod and walk out.

As I step through the door I see Logan standing outside, waiting, leaning on the car, looking down at his phone and when he hears me walking out his head snaps up and his jaw goes completely slack "Hoooly" he stutters and I blush furiously.

it" he stutters and I blush furiously

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He looks so freaking sexy right now...I could just pounce but I'm composing myself..I start to blush again when I think about the possibilities of something happening in the limo, No! Stop Layla you're being really bad right now...focus..but he looks so yummy.

but he looks so yummy

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"You you fell from heaven...fuc* Layla" he breaths at the end, I feel my heart beat escalate "I probably shouldn't have gotten you those shoes though." He says shaking his head and my shoulders slack "What? Why? what's wrong, does it look bad?" I say disappointedly but he shakes his head and looks me straight in the eye "They seem like shoes to try and make you look sexy..but you don't have to try." (See what I did there..if you've watched the boy next door you would know;)) I start to breath faster. Did he just imply I have natural sexiness? That- that I don't have to try?.."I...thank you...y-you look really amazing..I mean sexy..I mean handsome...oh look really good Logan." I flush embarrassed but I see him smirk "Nothing compared to you." He says and opens the door for me. When I walk up to him, i see him bite his lip and look at my curved figure and when I step in the car, at the corner of my I see him check out my ass and his eyes found mine again and he knew he had been caught but instead of being shameful he just bite his lip again, smirks then winks at me and I quickly get in.

His chauffeur who I learnt was John starts to ride off and Logan and I are sitting opposite each other like always with me collected and stiff but slightly relaxed than last time and he is just layer back, sipping on some scotch with his eyes boring into me..his gaze literally felt like it was burning my flesh and when I was looking outside into the night sky, at the corner of my eye I saw him starting to blush and bite his lip again, while his eyes traced slowly at every single curve and outline of my body and I don't know if I was meant to hear him but either way I heard him mutter something that made my stomach do tumble turns "So sexy" I heard him breath breath out. I exhaled slowly and starting lifting my head to meet his eyes and when I saw them they had gone a dark shade and were filled with lust, they held so much intensity that I couldn't handle it and he saw that I was growing weak from it and when I was about to avert my eyes from his, he spoke "Don't...Don't even try it." And I didn't, he seemed really serious "I want to see it..I want to see it in your eyes, I want to see through your soul how weak I make you." He says in a very deep sexy voice the only makes me clench my legs together and my breathing to get heavier "W-why?" I question, and he moves and kneels in front of me then leans in so our noses are touching and his minty breath is fanning my lips "It gives me pleasure to see that I make you weak just by the look in my eyes, and that just makes me want you even more..." I think I'm hyperventilating at this point but I try to stop it by biting my lip and he just grunts and lifts his hand to pull my lips from my teeth then shakes his head "...And believe me Miss Auden when I say this, that weakness is about to get much worse...from something much better." He says deeply then kisses the tip of my nose and sits next to me just as John opens the door and I then realise that I'm glad to feel the breeze cause it was getting way too hot and steamy in here...way too hot.

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