Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

"Alice?" I heard a vaguely familliar, male voice say gently and I felt a hand on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and turned over in my bed to see someone I kind of recognized sitting on the side of my bed.

"Yeah?" I mumbled groggily.

"You're supposed to go on patrol in an hour or two and I thought you'd like to eat first." He said.

"Who exactly are you?" I sat up and squinted at him. It was dark in my room so I couldn't really see him. He laughed.


"Oh!" Suddenly it made sense why I didn't really recognize him. I knew who he was but I didn't have that much to do with him. We had a very large pack so I didn't really know everyone. I knew of them but didn't actually know them.

"Why are you being so nice to me? You don't even really know me." I asked.

"Well I do kinda know you and I thought you could use a friend." My mind barriers were up, as usual, so my thoughts couldn't be heard. Jared flicked my bedside lamp on. I blinked rapidly trying to adjust my eyes to the sudden brightness. He was just looking at me intently.

"You're gorgeous." He said matter-of-factly.

"Uh, thanks." I said awkwardly and ducked my head so he couldn't see my blush. He stood up off my bed and turned around. I got up and quickly changed out of my pyjamas and into jean shorts and a sweatshirt.

"Okay." I mumbled and he turned to face me again. This was almost a ritual in our pack. We ended up indecent so often everone always turned around without needing to leave. I limped slightly, I had messed up my ankle earlier when I had run into the tree.

"Here, let me help you." He said and drew my arm over his shoulders. He placed his arm gently around my waist and supported me as we went downstairs. When we got to the open-plan living room and kitchen Jared let me go. I smiled at him and slowly made my way to the refrigerator.

"Can I make you something?" I asked. He moved to the island counter and sat down.

"Please?" He smiled. Paul, Sam and Brady then entered the room. Jared and Brady both had black hair but Brady was built more muscular and had grey eyes where Jared had green. Sam had sandy brown hair and amber eyes, and Paul had blonde hair and dark brown eyes.  I looked from Jared to the others.

"Food?" I asked.

"Hell yeah." replied Brady.

"Sure." Sam said with a smile.

"Yeah okay." Paul mumbled without meeting my eyes. They all came over and sat by Jared at the island as I started frying some patties and onions.

I started towards the pantry and Sam noticed my slight limp.

"Ali are you okay?" He asked concerned.

"I'm fine thanks, Sammy" He rolled his eyes at the nickname.

"She ran into a tree." Stella said, laughing as she walked into the kitchen. I growled at her as the boys started laughing.

"Shut up." I mumbled as I collected some buns from the pantry. Stella grabbed a packet of pretzels and left the room, giggling.

"Nice Alice." Brady said tauntingly.

"Be nice or no food for you." I teased.

"Are you sure your ankle is okay? Do you want to sit the patrol out?" Sam asked.

"I'm fine, Sam. Really." I frowned he was never this concerned about anyone. I was rummaging through the big fridge as Brady got up and came over. He bent down next to me and grabbed a soda.

"Sam has a huge crush on you." He murmered in my ear, so low only I could hear. He went and sat back down next to Paul. I just stood there for a while, my eyes wide in shock. Then I busied myself finishing the boys burgers. As I placed Jared's infront of him he pulled me closer and gave me a quick kiss. He let go and I blikked a few times, shocked, before moving on and giving the rest their food. Paul was staring- no scratch that- glaring at me with such hatered in his eyes it looked like he could set the forest ablaze. I felt a little sorry for him, he was stuck being the pathetic ex-boyfriend. I sat down next to Sam and ate my food quietly.


Sam, Brady, Jared, Kylie and I were running patrol around the Western border. Sam's Beta(second in command) was Brady and his Delta (third in command) was Reece, but Reece wasn't here so Jared was filling in for him on this patrol. Kylie and I were running behind Sam and Brady and in front of Jared. We could fight but since we were female we were protected between the guys. We were ranked quite a bit lower. I was a Theta and Kylie a Sigma. I was ranked higher than her, mainly because I was an Alpha's daughter.

I head Kylie sigh in my mind. A couple of hours of staring at Sam's brindled wolf's and Brady's black wolf's asses was getting boring. I glanced over at my best friend. She was a very pretty wolf. She was pure white with a black patch over half her face and on her two front paws. I looked at Brady again. He was a large, pitch black wolf but the tip of his tail was white as was the tip of his muzzle. Sam's wolf was a brown and black brindled color and Jared's wolf was a plain light brown color.

"Okay, we can head back now." Sam's voice rang though our minds.

"Wait, Sam. Stop." I called in thought. I had the keenest sense of smell in the pack.

"What Ali?" Sam asked coming over to where I was standing with my nose on the ground. I walked a few steps to the left.

"Here." I called. Sam came over and sniffed the ground.

"Oh shit. Alice found a forgein trail." Sam told the others. It smelt musky, kind of woodsy like us. But it wasn't someone in our pack.

"Shit." Sam cursed again. "We need to get home. I need to call a pack meeting."


Hey guys!! second chapter is uppppp. Enjoy.



-SAequestrian XOXO ●

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