Chapter Three

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Chapter Three:

"EVERYONE. Quiet down! Sit down and listen!" Sam commanded. There was a small stage set up out behind the main house for pack meetings. Sam stood, pacing on the stage, behind him stood Brady to his right and Reece to his left. They stood silently, their hands clasped behind their backs.

The pack slowly settled down. We were lazing on the grass. Kylie and I sat up front leaning back on our hands. Our pack had almost two hundred members and they were all gathered here. They all sat down, forming a half-circle around the stage.

"Theres been some worrying developments that have caused me to re-evaluate the structure of the pack." Sam started looking at everyone. "We found a forgein trail while out on patrol. A shifter, like us, but not from our pack" The pack started murmering and  getting uneasy. A girl stood up and bowed her head.

"Alpha. Could it have been someone from Alpha Shane's pack?"  She asked, referring to my father's pack.

"Doubtful. Alice?" He called on me. I stood up and bowed my head respectfully.

"Alpha." I greeted. "I don't believe it was anyone from my father's pack. I have met most of them, they are not many, and I did not recognize this scent."  Sam nodded, aknowledging my statements. I had to be respectful in front of the pack even though Sam was my friend.

"There is no need to panic." Sam continued. "There hasn't been anything to suggest that there's trouble on the way. I have decided, however, to rearrange the structure of the pack slightly. Most of you may not agree with my ideas, but tough. I'm the Alpha" He said with a smile and a wink. The pack laughed.

"Okay, so I would like to change my Beta and Delta." Sam said. A few of the men sat up straighter. I looked at Brady and raised an eyebrow as if to ask 'What's going on?' He gave a nearly imperceptable shrug and gave me a look that said 'later.'

I narrowed my eyes and focused on Sam.

"Reece, I thank you for all you've done for me and your unwavering loyalty. I release you from your duties as Delta." Sam told him. He nodded and left the stage coming to sit next to Kylie who was his mate.

"Brady, I thank you for all you've done and your loyalty to me. I release you from your duties as Beta, but I ask that you take up the post of Delta." Brady gave a small smile and went to stand on the left of the stage. I looked at him, concern showing all over my face. Being demoted wasn't easy. He met my eyes, flashed me a grin and mouthed 'I'm okay.' I smiled and refocused on Sam.

"Now, the wolf I want as my Beta is a little.... unconventional." He continued. A slight muttering could be heard in the crowd. I rolled my eyes. Sam was Alpha, he could do as he pleased.

"Alison? Would you please come up here?" A shock went through me as he met my eyes. A murmer went through the pack.

"A she-wolf?"

"What is he thinking? Whats his angle?"

"Who's Alison?"

I giggled at the people wondering who Alison was, everyone knew me but almost no one knew my full name. Kylie squeezed my hand.

"Atta girl." She said softly. i stood up from where I'd been sitting on the grass, dusted myself off and headed to the stage. The pack was completely silent as I made my way up to Sam. I stood in front of him, my head slightly bowed to show respect.

"Look at me Alice." He said under his breath so only I could hear. I looked up and met his amber eyes with my electric blue ones.

"Alice, I ask you to please take the position of Beta?" He said so everyone could hear. I felt my breath catch. I swallowed once and nodded shakily. He gave me a crooked smile, and I walked over to the right side of the stage. Brady glanced over at me and waggled his eyebrows. I had to cover my laugh with a cough.

"Well, now that that has been handled there are a few small matters to attend to. Patrols will be increased, you will run as six so should you need to break up no one ends up alone. Report back to me any new sights, sounds and scents. That is all. You may disperse." He dismissed everone with a nod.

As everyone started walking off, talking and laughing among themselves, Brady and I headed for Sam.

"Sam, why?" I asked simply, somewhat at a loss for words.

"You're a great fighter, you see things from perspective - something us males struggle with, you have excellent intuition and instincts and you're extremely logical and intelligent. Why not?" I blinked a few times and Brady laughed at me.

"Thanks.." I told Sam a bit dazed by how highly he thought of me. He gave me a heartstopping smile and we turned to go bavk into the house. Brady came up next to me and slung his arm around my shoulders.

"So Ali, looks like you can boss me around now." He said with a wink.

"I do that anyway." I laughed.

"True." He said and tossed his head back and laughed. I put my arm around his waist and we walked into the house like that. I'm not denying that it felt good, he was an extremely handsome guy and very nice and good and sweet and fun. Okay, I'm rambling. He laughed at me and I turned a bright, beet red. I had forgotten to block him from my mind so he had heard my ramblings about him. We had just entered the living room, our arms still around each other, when Jared came up to Brady, you could see he was fuming mad.

"Why in hell have you got your arm around my girlfriend." He demanded. My eyes widened and I took in a gasp of air. Since WHEN was I his girlfriend? Brady just frowned confused.

"I am NOT your girlfriend." I said enunciating the not carefully. He looked over at me.

"But we kissed." He said confused. I rolled my eyes at him.

"You kissed me when I wasn't expecting it. That does not make me your girlfriend." Brady laughed.

"Jeez dude, you need to learn a couple of things about girls. Especially this one. Alice is not one to be messed with. You don't assume shit about her, she hates that. And you have to actually ASK her to be your girl, otherwise she doesn't consider herself taken. You also need to get to know her first, she doesn't like getting involved with someone she doesn't know well." Jared looked annoyed and stormed off. I turned, pulling away from Brady and looked at him dumbstruck.

"How did you know all that about me?"

"I've known you since we were pups. I pay attention when you talk and I notice you, Ali. You're not just some nobody she-wolf to me." He told me sincerely. I felt my eyes tear up and I smiled at him.

"That is the sweetest thing you've ever said to me."

"Don't get to used to it, darling." He said with a wink and a crooked (hot) smile. He suddenly picked me up over his shoulder and smacked my ass.

"Brady! Put me down!" I laughed.

He put me down on the couch amd started tickling me.

"Brady! No! Stop!" I gasped out of air from squealing and laughing. Kylie came into the lounge and laughed at us. Brady was hovering over me, he had his knees on the couch on either side of my body and had now stopped tickling me and put his hands on the back of the couch on either side of my head.

"Well this looks steamy." Kylie laughed. I ducked my head under Brady's arm.

"Whats up?" I asked.

"Can I borrow Alison for a while? I have something important to tell her?" She asked Brady.

"Sure." He smiled at me before moving so I could stand up. I smacked him lightly on the arm.

"Bully." I muttered and he laughed.

"Okay, lets go before he changes his mind." I said to Kylie and we turned and walked out the door toward the forest.


Hey erryboday! lol. okay I'm lame I know. If you're bothering to read this please leave me a vote or comment?


-SAequestrian XOXO

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