The new guy.

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You were working in a small cafe in Busan were your "squad" came to keep you company every day. 

- Yo Y/N! Can you give me a piece of that cake? - one of your friends asked you.

- Yep. - you went to take the piece of cake. - Jay! Come take it.

- Ah, Y/N bring it here!

- I'm not a slave! Come and take it you lazy ass.

- Is this how you talk to your costumers?

- JAY! - you said as you saw a man enter the cafe. - Hello, how can I help you?

- Don't talk to her! She is mean! - Jay yelled from the table he was sitting on.

- SHUT UP! - you yelled back.

- Jesus chill...

The stranger chuckled quietly.

- Ah sorry! He is my friend and I'm on the edge of killing him. - you apologized.

- It's not a problem. Sorry for laughing tho. - the man said. He was tall, with bleached to white hair and black clothes. - May i have a latte, please?

- Sure. - you went to make the latte. When you were done you brought it to the guy.

- Thanks. - He said as he gave you the money.

You were staring at him.

- What? - he asked.

- Are you new here? I haven't seen you around.

- Yeah I just moved here from Goyang. 

- Why? I mean Busan is really noisy.

- Work. - he said with that I-hate-to-work look. - I'm Namjoon by the way.

- Y/N. You can come and hangout here when you are bored. We have free WiFi.

- I'll keep that in mind. - he smiled. - Gotta go.

- Cya. - you waived as he left.

- Who was that? - Cait one of your friends asked.

- He said his name is Namjoon. He's new here.

- I totally ship you with him. - she said trying not to laugh.

- The fuck is wrong with you? We just met.

- I don't care. You know how I ship everything. Boy x boy, girl x girl, boy x girl, people who are WAY TOO different, people who hate each other. I SHIP EVERYTHING. You see this fork and that cup? I ship them.

- I'll repeat myself. The fuck is wrong with you?

A/N: Heyyyyyyy!! Thank you so much for reading! Hope you like it ^^I'm sorry if there are any mistakes and that the 1st chapter was that short. I'll try to update it soon tho! CYA <3 !

I Latte You // Namjoon X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now