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A/N: READ THE AUTHOR NOTES AT THE END OF THE CHAPTERS, THEY AIN'T THERE FOR NOTHING. THANK YOU. (This chapter was inspired by a Syndra x Zed comic written and drawn by razzcatTeru)

 Few days after the wedding. Everyone was back to work legit doing nothing and being bored. There were not many people in the flower shop the last few days so everything you did was keep the flowers alive and play on your phone. Then you heard the door open. It was Cait.

- Waddup girl. - she said and came closer.

-Hi sexy. - you answered and you both laughed. - What are you doing here?

- I just came to see you and give you this. - she took out two tickets for hot springs from her bag. - One friend gave them to me to go with Jay but since we both can't go I'm giving them to you. - she said and placed them on the counter. You looked at them and read the info that was written on the paper.

- It says from Saturday to Monday next week. You know both Namjoon and I are at work on Monday right?

- No you're not. It's a holiday. Nobody works at holidays. Besides you two could use some time alone together. - you resisted for a moment but agreed at the end.

- Fine, we'll go. Thanks bro. - you winked.

- No problem ma dude. - she replied and gave you a fist bump. - I'll leave now. I gotta help my mom move the furniture in her new house. See ya later. - she said and then left. 

You took your phone and texted Namjoon.

You: Joonie
You: You, me, hot springs, next week, Saturday to Monday. "No" is not an acceptable answer. 
Joon: Lmao you sound like you're asking me out on a date
Joon: I accept tho. I haven't been to hot springs since... never...
You: I haven't been to one too. It'll be fun.
You: By the way your scarf that I found in the cafe is in the wardrobe. I totally forgot about it.
You: I'm sorry. Please don't be mad :(
Joon: I'm not mad, don't worry <3
Joon: Shit, I gotta go
Joon: I'll see you home
You: Bye baby <3 
You: Have fun

You sighed and laid back on your chair looking at the ceiling. Then got back to work... well if you could call scrolling trough Facebook working. 

-----One Week Later-----

- Joon come on we're gonna be late! - you yelled at him from the front door - The taxi is already in front of the building!

- I can't find my phone! I looked everywhere! - he said looking around himself.

- ... KIM NAMJOON! - you facepalmed - It's in your hand for fucks sake!

- What the fuck... Jesus Christ I'm dumb. - he laughed.

- Yes you are, now hurry up! - you looked at him ready to drag him by his legs out of the apartment. He put the phone in his pocket and grabbed his suitcase which was beside him.

You two got in the backseat of the car and apologized to the driver for being late. Good thing he was a kind old man and wasn't angry. The road was long and quiet except the almost unhearable rock music that was coming from the driver's radio. It was around 02:00 PM but since neither of you slept for more than 5 hours you were both tired and that's why you weren't talking. But then Namjoon broke the silence.

- Y/N. - you looked at him - When I said I'm dumb and you agreed... did you mean it?

- Of course not! - you took his hand in yours - I was joking.

- You sounded serious, so I thought you meant it... - he looked down.

- I'd never say something like this if it's not a joke. - you both smiled.

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