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A/N: I'll be honest with you, I forgot this story still exists jkfgazdhdzhhaaryg

- And then you connect this to that and done! - Hoseok said after explaining to you how to make a portable bomb out of scrap.

- I did not understand a thing you said but alright. - you laughed as you observed the little object in front of you. - It's really complicated, I don't know how you know all these details.

- Years of practice, Y/N. Once you get it you can figure out your own ways of making any kinds of devices. My personal favorite are explosives. - he leaned back in his seat and stretched out his arms. - It's getting late, we've been here for hours. We should probably go home. - he suggested and got up. You stayed silent for a moment, looking at the floor. - Is something wrong?

- Nothing it's just... How do you know if you really love someone? - you asked quietly.

- Huh? Are things between Joon and you not working out? - he sat back down and rested his elbows on his knees.

- Sort of. He's really kind and loving and he does a lot of things for me but it feels like the spark is dying. I can't really explain it. 

- I think I know what you mean. - Hoseok thought for a moment and then continued. - I don't think I'm the one who should be giving you relationship advice, I mean I'm not the romantic type but I for sure know that's the problem with lovers these days. I mean when something is broken people just replace it instead of fixing it.

- Again, I don't think I understand. - you looked at him with confusion.

- What I'm trying to say is that if you feel like the spark is dying you should find a way to light it up again. Ask yourself some questions. Does he make you feel happy? Does he make you feel alive? Would you let him die for your sake?

- Would I let him do what for my fucking what?

- Exactly. You wouldn't. Think about it, Y/N. - He got up from his seat again. - Come on, it's past midnight. I'll walk you home. 

- Wait! I was wondering... - you said, looking at the wall behind him. - ...How did you end up here? I mean in The Bulletproofs.

- How? Well, my backstory isn't as intriguing as the rest but I'll tell you anyway. - He leaned on the wall and put his hands in his pockets. - The reason why I'm here is that I owe Namjoon a lot. And by a lot I mean as much as my life. I was a part of another gang and our leader... actually no, he doesn't deserve to be called a leader. Our boss sent me and a few more dudes to go get something. I can't even remember what it was but anyway, we were in a something like an office room in a tall ass building when Joon and Jimin kicked down the door and I was like what the fuck is going on? They had us at gunpoint and I could see a red dot on my chest which I assume was Kook with a sniper in the opposite building. Basically our boss had sent us there to get us killed cuz he thought we weren't loyal to him. Wait, I think you've met one of these guys.

- I have? - you raised an eyebrow.

- Yeah. Wind, Lee Taemin.

- Ooh, yeah I have. He came in the practice room once when I was training with Jimin.

- Yes, that dude. As I was saying we were sent there to get killed but before Kook could pull the trigger, Taemin yelled out "Wait!". I saw Joon waving at Kook to hold up and then he looked back at us. He and Taemin had a loooong ass convo about the situation, so 2 hours later I was shaking hands with Joon and the next day I left my old gang and joined this one. That's basically what happened. I was recruited.

- Oof damn. How did it feel to have Joon point a gun at you?

- I kid you not I almost shit my pants. He can be really scary sometimes. I hope you never see him in that light. I mean when you look him in the eyes it feels as if they glow in red and you just get paralyzed. Jesus, I get shivers just by thinking about it. (alexa play shiver by the gazette) - Hoseok straightened his clothes and packed his things that were all over the table. - Now let's get going. I'm tired.

The way back was silent. You were thinking about what Hoseok had said earlier and didn't pay attention to your surroundings or the time. Light up the spark. You repeated those words in your head but weren't sure exactly what they meant and even if you did you had no clue how to do that. It's true that Namjoon loved you with all his heart and you loved him with all yours but it didn't feel the same as it used to. Something was off. Something even you couldn't explain. It was eating you from the inside. "Maybe I should talk with him" you thought. 

Before you knew it, you were standing if front of your house.

- Alright, we're here. See you soon, Y/N. - Hoseok waved at you and went on his way. 

Just as you opened the door you heard a noise of something breaking in the kitchen. You threw your bag on the floor and quickly went there. 

- Namjoon? - you widened your eyes. - What happened?

- I don't know. Something scared me and I dropped a mug. - he pointed at the floor where pieces of broken ceramic were scattered all over.

- Something scared you? What? - you took of your coat and knelt down to help him pick up the pieces.

- I'm not sure. - he just stared at the floor. He tried to not frown for he did not want to worry you. You didn't say anything. He had been really stressed lately so you didn't want to put extra pressure on him by asking questions. "Maybe I should talk with him about us some other time" you said in your head and threw the broken mug away. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2019 ⏰

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