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Here you go!
Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail or the picture


Lucy set out at dawn the next morning with a full stomach, a well-rested body, a bag of food, a new green dress (that had once belonged to Daphne), and 90 more jewel. She said her farewells to Daphne and was quickly on her way. Looking at a map she saw that directly Northwest of the flower field was a large mountain range that reached all the way to Seven. She pumped her fist in the air. Alright. Here I go!


Ugh. Lucy was exhausted. She had been walking all day and the mountains were still at least 15 miles away!

"Oi! Blondie!" Lucy looked up.
"Yeah, ya! What's a kid like ya doin' way out here?"

"I uh." Lucy became frightened looking at the large figure in front of her. It was an older man, with black eyes and spiky red hair. He was dressed as a farmer, with overalls, a plaid shirt, tall boots, and a wide brimmed hat around his neck. He was leading a team of horses that pulled a large wagon of haybales. She  shook, wide-eyed with fear as she felt the blue marking begin to appear.

"Oi Pops! Yer scarin' her!" A head popped up from the wagon. It was a boy, about Daphnes' age, who appeared almost identical to the man before her if it wasn't for his blue eyes and wide grin.

"But seriously girly. What're ya doin' all the way out 'ere?" The markings subsided.

" I'm going to see my grandpa. He lives in the mountains. " Lucy felt much better now.

"The mountains? Tough man." The older man stated gruffly.

"Say, we're headed that way ourselves. Wanna hitch a ride in da wagon? My name's Nathan, 'n this 'ere is my pops." The boy in the wagon, Nathan, called.

"Oh, may I? Thank you!" Lucy cried out, relieved.

"Sure ya can, Blondie. Ya can call me Ben." Nathans' 'pops' stated. Lucy quickly climbed up into the back of the wagon.

"'Ere" said Nathan, pulling her up. "Wanna piece of jerky?" He asked, holding out a bag.

"Sure!" Lucy smiled popping a piece in her mouth. The two children laughed, talked and ate before both fell asleep on the hay.


"Wake up! Oi! Time to wake up, Blondie!" Lucy opened her eyes to see a pair of blue ones less then five inches  away.

"Wakey Wakey!" Lucy screamed as Nathan fell back laughing.

"Don't do that! "

"Yer face, Blondie! "

"I told you, my name is Lucy! Lucy! L-U-C-Y! Besides, it's not that funny."

"Sure it ain't. Anyway, I didn't just wake ya up fer kicks, Blondie. This is as close to da mountains as we're gonna take ya. We gotta go straight West from 'ere, so this is Yer stop."

Lucy looked up at the huge mountains in front of her. He's here! I can feel it!

"Thank you for all of your help!"

"Yer welcome! Good luck findin' Yer grandpops!"

"Safe travelin', Blondie." 

With goodbyes said, Lucy was on her way.


That's chapter 2! Until next time! Please review!

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