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Hi! Sorry I haven't updated in forever. I completely lost interest in the fandom and the fic. But I got lots of positive feedback and wanted to see what I could do. So think of this as thanks! And don't worry... this is not discontinued. Just really slow updates.
Disclaimer : I don't own Fairy Tail or the picture


The newly dubbed 'Grandpa Acno' sighed. Lucy was a sweet, kind and adorable child, but could not seem to keep herself out of trouble. She meant well, but that didn't really count for much when she was being chased by a nest of bees. As of now, she was being cornered by a young forest vulcan.

"Grandpa Acno! Help me!" Lucy's terrified voice pierced the air. Acnologia abandoned his nap in the sun and ran toward the Vulcan. Lucy looked up at him in relief and amazement as he sent the Vulcan flying. The blue markings on her skin once again faded.

"Hey. Don't you know how to control those?"


"The markings. "


"Want to learn?"


____this is a line break ______

Lucy was bouncing with every step. Grandpa Acno was going to teach her to control the markings! Just like Mommy said he would! She ran to the cave joyfully.

"Calm down. It isn't all that exciting. "

"I think it's really really really exciting! What do I have to do first? Is it going to be difficult?"

Acnologia sighed. She is just a child. Have patience.

"Alright. Stop that jumping around you're doing and sit."

"Okie-dokie!" Lucy plopped to the floor and looked up.

"What do I do next, Grandpa Acno?"

Acnologia sat down across from her, his legs crossed.

"I'm gonna teach you to meditate. "


"Yeah. You said the markings came out when you felt strong emotions, particularly negative ones, right? Easiest way to control them, or any type of haywire magic, really, is to learn to have control over your emotions. So we're going to start by learning that."

Lucy frowned. Meditating didn't sound fun at all. On the other hand...

I'll do whatever it takes to control these markings!

"Alright, Grandpa Acno! Now what do I need to do?"

"Close your eyes. Breathe slowly. "

Lucy closed her eyes.

Wheeeeew. whooooooosh. Wheeeeew. Whooooooosh. Wheeeeee-

"Stop breathing so loudly. And stop fiddling with your hands. This is meant to be peaceful and relaxing. Keep trying."

Lucy nodded, her eyes still shut.

Let's breathe. Slowly. Like when Mommy taught me to summon Ms. Aquarius.


The young blonde girl jumped and squealed at the loud growl her new grandfather gave. The cerulean markings had completely covered her body within moments. They began to slowly fade as Lucy realized what the noise was.

"Grandpa Acno! Why did you do that?"

"I was testing your control. Clearly, it needs some work. No worries. There's plenty of time to learn. I'll need to teach you how to fight too. We can do that later. It's about time for dinner. You go clean yourself up in the pool under the waterfall and I'll find something to eat. That sounded good, Hatchling?"


"A baby dragon."

"Oh. Yes! That sounds wonderful! See you later, Grandpa Acno!"

Grinning, Lucy ran out the cave entrance.

Oh, Ms. Aquarius. I have so much to tell you!


Acnologia sighed as he gently stroked a small head of golden blonde hair.

Anna... I wish you were here. Our great-whatever granddaughter is so much like you. But don't worry. I may not have been able to protect you, but I'll definitely protect her!


A/N: I hope you all enjoyed! Please review! Flames will be used to feed Natsu!
Also! Kinda planning on a time skip soon. Maybe next chapter. Maybe in two chapters. IDK. Just a heads up. Throw your thoughts at me. I may not respond, but I'll read them.

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