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Despite our concerns and objections, the wedding continued. Sam is now married to this woman who is now: Becky Winchester.

"Shouldn't she ask for my permission or something?" Dean paced back and forth as Sam and Becky gazed into each others eyes. I sat behind them rubbing my temples.

"You want her to ask for my hand?" Sam laughed.

"How in the-?" Dean began but I had had enough and grabbed his shoulder to try and calm him, "How did this happen?" He corrected his tone.

"Short version: we met, we ate, we talked, and fell in love." Sam smiled, it was eerily too good to be true, "And now here we are."

"Wow, well I guess we're all caught up now." I tried to smooth over the awkward moment.

"Okay, you know what? Ignoring everything, have you forgotten he average lifespan of your hook-ups?" Dean brought up, looking at his brother wide eyed.

"Wait what.." I muttered.

"Yeah, but.." Sam began but Becky cut him off.

"But if anyone knows that, it's me! I mean, I read every book." Becky said, smiling, "So, open eyes, you know? Open eyes."

"Wait a minute, I'm lost: book?" I questioned.

"There was a profit writing books about us- it's a whole thing. I'll tell you later." Dean waved it off, "Because in the meantime, I think I'm going to be sick."

"Guys, look its simple: if something good is happening I need to jump on it now, today, period." Sam pleaded us to see it his way.

"Okay, Dead Poet's Society, no offense but did you even check to make sure she's really-" Dean started.

"Salt, holy water, everything. See?" Becky showed her cut on her arm, "I'm not a monster. Just the right girl for your brother, that's it."

"The bill." The officiant came with the bill.

"I got it." Becky stopped Sam's hand, "You two do your 'hunters' thing."

Dean went sullen as he stared at Sam, waiting for the right moment to blow up.

"Really?!" Dean said when Becky left the room, "SuperFan99?"

"Dean, look, honest to god I had the same exact opinion of her as you do. But when we got past the whole book thing, I found out that she's really great and I was the dick." Sam pleaded. I stood off to the side, feeling like a spectator in this affair. Seeing the way these two bicker, I don't know why you'd ever volunteer to get between that.

"Yeah, speaking of the whole book thing: Becky just randomly shows up during Vegas week?" Dean insinuated the stalker girl image.

"Yeah!" Sam seemed so excited. It threw me off, I didn't have a right to mention it but he didn't look himself, "What's the big deal? (Y/N)'s here."

"Another woman you also invited along for the ride." Dean pointed out, "But that's irrelevant. I'm trying to say maybe she knew you were going to be here, alright? Maybe, uh, Chuck wrote about it."

"Dean, you're paranoid-" Sam began but Dean had too much of this.

"And you're in love!" Dean tried emphasizing the craziness, "It's been 4 days man!"

"Sam, he's right. Look, I don't care who this woman is. Falling in love in 4 days isn't just unheard of, it's stupid." I shared my two cents. Speaking from an outside stand point.

"You know what, Dean, (Y/N), you know what.." Sam stood up flustered, "How about this? Becky and I are going to go up to her place in Delaware. Why don't you two try to wrap your head around this, get a little supportive, then give us a call."

I watched as they walked away. Sam put his arm around his wife as she tweeted: "First official tweet as Mrs. Becky Rosen-Winchester." I almost puked it was so weird. I used to have such a high opinion of Sam's sanity before now. It was so disappointing.

"Alright, come on. We have work to do." Dean gestures for me to follow him.

We go back to the motel to pack up our things and change. I throw on some light wash ripped jeans, a white tank top, and a dark red button up over it for the trip.

"Bobby? Hey, I know you're beard deep in that Oregon Nest. I'm heading to Delaware to do some snooping around, Sam is there with his wife. You heard me. His wife." Dean left the voicemail, "Call me back when you get the chance."

"Bobby?" I asked for clarification.

"He's another hunter, like family." Was all Dean really told me.

"Where in Delaware, we going?" Dean asked, I checked the map, I had done the Twitter stalking to find out where Becky lived.

"Pike Creek." I clarified.

"Alright." Dean put our bags in the back then got in the car. He sighed.

"Wanna talk about it? I'd like some back story on this Becky chick." I asked.

"No." Dean said, pulling out of our parking space and leaving the parking lot. I learned a few days ago trying to fight with Dean on talking was next to useless. So instead I tried a new strategy. I was silent.

"Fine!" Dean grunted, "I just can't believe this is happening! There was a prophet a while ago named Chuck, he was getting visions about us then he wrote and published books called Supernatural. Which is a dumb title if you ask me."

"Wait so, like an entire book? How?" I asked.

"Books. Plural. An entire series starting with 7 or so years ago when I picked up Sam from Stanford-" Dean began his rant.

"Sam went to Stanford?" I asked, extremely impressed. I was a college graduate but Stanford is big game, "Sorry, continue. How did he do that? You had no idea?"

"Not a clue. We were catching a case surrounding a bookstore when we found out. He's a prophet, he gets visions before they happen and for whatever reason he's tapped into us." Dean complained, "And my sister-in-law, was our creepiest, biggest fans. Or Sam's."

"Fans? How did she even know you existed?" I asked.

"See, this is the best part she shouldn't. She was dating Chuck, the prophet, and he told her. She was absolutely obsessed with Sam." He told me, white knuckling the steering wheel.

"Hey, okay, calm down." I rubbed his arm, "Well if Sam is as smart as you say he is, and this girl is as crazy as she sounds, he's gotta be under some kind of spell. And if he's under a spell, we can reverse it."

"Stop saying if, okay of course he's under some kind of spell." Dean growled, a vein on his neck popping.

"Why are you so angry? We'll figure it out." I tried to help him down.

"Because of course this would happen! It's my job to take care of him and I'm not watching for 5 minutes and he marries a crazy chick after one dinner. And leaves me to clean up the mess." Dean hit the wheel.

"Alright, well you're not alone this time. I'm here. So: What are we thinking? Cross roads demon? Witchcraft?" I asked. Dean was quiet a moment, "We'll get Sam. It'll be fine."

He was still quiet.

"Listen, I know I'm only here because Sam said I could. I know you don't want me here but I am now and I've done research, I want him back too so lets work it." I urged him.

"I just need it to be quiet for a while." Dean said. I could feel he was still freaking out, he needed to calm down and so I allowed that and stopped. I pulled out my phone, if he wasn't going to tell me anything I would find it on my own. So I began looking up the Supernatural books.

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