Chapter 20.

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I open my eyes and I'm on a stone cold floor. I'm curled up in a ball, my clothes dirty, my hands dirtier. I push myself up, and realize I'm not tied anymore, my wrist sore. I look around the empty room and notice a tray of food in the corner of the room, along with a glass of water.

I crawl over to the glass, and gulp it down. The lukewarm water slides smoothly down my throat. I lean against the wall and close my eyes.

How could this have happened? How could someone in their right mind do this to an innocent person? How could someone take someone away from everything they have for nothing? He thinks he's going to get away with this. He thinks he can do whatever he wants with me. He thinks that he can keep me here without seeing Riley.

I get up and pace back and forth. I think about Riley, and I think about Theo, I think about everything I have back at home. I walk to the stone wall, and punch it as hard as I can. Immediate pain shoots through my hand, and it starts to swell. I close my eyes and grit my teeth to keep from screaming out. I hold my fist, and I feel the blood seeping through the cuts on my knuckles, and falling onto the floor, creating a puddle of red.

The big metal door opens, and the first thing the man sees is the blood on the floor. He rushes over angrily.

"What did you do? What is wrong with you?" I don't feel the pain anymore. All I hear are his words echoing in my head. What is wrong with you? I snap.

"Did you seriously just ask me that question? What is wrong with you? What kind of sick, twisted man steals someone from their home, steals someone from their child, without any guilt? You are the most disgusting man I have ever met. And if you-" A fiery hot burning fills the side of my face. He slapped me.

"Do you think you can talk to me like that? You listen to me, you follow my orders. I can make your life a living hell, and I sure will if you don't clean up your act. Do you understand me?" I don't say a word. I reach up and touch my cheek. There's a cut right under my eye. It's bleeding. He yanks me by my hair and pulls me closer to him, his breath wreaking of alcohol, and his clothes smell like smoke. "Do you understand me?" He says each word with a pause in between.

He lets go of my hair, and throws me to the ground,"Did you eat your food?" He looks down at my plate, and back up at me, shaking his head. He exits the room, and the big metal door slams behind him, leaving me with nothing but silence.

I sit in shock. How can your life be so happy, and then turn into a miserable pit? I think of everything I have back home. I think of when Riley was born; The happiest, most terrifying day of my life. I think of her first steps, her first words, her first everything. I think of Theo. The first day I met him, the way he comforted me, our first date, our first kiss, the way he accepted me. Scars and all. The way he made me feel loved like nobody else has.

And instead of punching a wall, I curl up again, and I start to cry. Tears fall one by one, and before I know it, I'm hysterical. I try to curl up tighter, hoping that just maybe if I do, I can disappear from all of this. I'll wake up and it will all be a dream. I never would have met Theo, and I wouldn't be in this cell. I wouldn't be trapped inside this hole.

I run a hand through my hair, and rock back and forth. I never thought that my life could get worse. I never thought that I could have anymore curve balls thrown my way, but now there's been a whole ball park full of them, dumped right on top of my head, and they came out of nowhere.

I don't care that I'm being locked up. I don't care that I'm going to starve to death in here. I do not care about the scar on my face, and my purple fist. The only thing I care about is seeing Riley again. Feeling her little hand curl around my finger. Listening to her sing and watching her dance. I already miss the sound of her voice.

And God, do I miss Theo.

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