Part 6

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A bright lime colored light began to shine upon Lapis's complexion, the light was coming from Peridot's gem. She was starting her reform. Lapis stared in awe as the gem rose from the palms of her hands and floated gracefully in the air as light began to burst forth from it, shining in all directions.
  "Peridot..." She whispered. Suddenly, a form began to emerge from the gem, a blank form of a Peridot. She hovered for a moment, growing her form, then not-so-gracefully fell onto the grass, flat on her face. Peridot lied there as Lapis watched, she held her breath waiting for movement. Peridot shifted onto her back and let out a groan.
  "Peridot?!" Lapis cried as she rushed over to Peridot. Peridot's reform made her look exactly the same, the light yellowish visor covering her eyes and gem, her green skintight body suit, and triangle shaped hair. It was all the same, like nothing had happened. Lapis grabbed Peridot and held her tight.
  "Are you okay?" Lapis whispered quietly to her.
  "Yeah." Peridot replied as she gripped onto Lapis.
  "I got worried about you when I didn't see you around and I-"
"Gee, thanks..." Said Peridot as she cut her off, a tiny tear trickling down her cheek.
"You scared me." Said Lapis as she pulled back from the embrace. Peridot looked into Lapis's eyes...
"I know." She said, tears still running down her face. "I'm sorry..."
  "For what?!" Lapis asked.
  "For everything." Peridot was crying and she didn't know why, maybe it was because she felt stupid and childish.
  "No, no!" Cried Lapis "Don't be sorry, you didn't do anything wrong!"
"Yes I did.."
Peridot looked directly into Lapis's eyes. "Exist." She said, her visor getting foggy from her hot tears. Lapis and Peridot stared at each other, eyes wide, tears gleaming. It was gonna be okay...

Can't Compare- A Steven Universe Peridot FanficWhere stories live. Discover now