Chapter 1

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WARNING: This is based off the anime series Sword Art Online and all the characters are from it. I do not own them tho I wish I was apart of the show. Even though I would probably be the first to die smfh.

Sinon is in here although GGO hasn't happened yet cause Asada is my favorite so leave her alone.

Also I'm leaving some characters out and changing the story line from when they were in the game a little bit so don't be pissed. And near the end something is going to happen that is obviously impossible but 'tis a book and my own imagination so let it be m'kay?

***Trigger warning for abuse***
***Trigger warning for suicide***

My eyes finally opened after two years of being shut. My body ached. My fingers and toes seemed to lack the ability to move along with my head feeling hazy. My arms, though they seemed miles away from me,  reached up to unclasp the clip beneath the Nerve gear. As I did that the door opened. Stood behind it was a kind looking lady who loudly gasped before rushing over to help me sit up.

"Miss. Yuki you're finally awake." Once I was up and had it unattached from me she reached over to help pull it the completely off. My hair had fallen down into my face and masked my features. It looked and smelled disgusting but I didn't have the energy to do anything about it. Every muscle in my body still didn't feel like mine. They all were a foreign figure that is clasped onto my body without my permission.

I turned my head to the side to look out the window. Darkness blanketed the land as snow fell down to secure it.

"Is there anything you need, Miss, Yuki?" The nurse began to rub my back thinking it would comfort me but I still trembled with nerves. Kirito told me he would come visit but I'm worried he won't like me outside of the game.

"No, I'm good. Thanks." She nodded with a kind smile and stood up to leave. My eyes wandered down the walls inspecting the place I had unknowingly spent so many nights at. As I heard the door beginning to open my head snapped up.

"Ma'am!" I called out. She immediately stopped and spun around.

"Yes, Miss. Yuki?" My face began to heat up. I knew what I was about to ask her seemed ridiculous but I felt the need to know.

"While I was asleep, did I have any visitors?" She stood still a moment before answering.

"Yes. Your mom did at first but slowly stopped. She hasn't been here in about year and a half. Then there was this other guy saying he was to marry you once you woke up." I nodded and quickly thanked her, letting her go back to her job.

I reached around me to fix my pillow before leaning down onto it and staring up at the ceiling. So much time has passed. I have missed two birthdays and all my favorite holiday occasions. If I had known I would've gotten trapped in the game I probably wouldn't have played it but, I'm glad I did. Because if I had never gone out that day to buy Sword Art Online I would never have met Kirito.

A knock from the door pulled me out of my thoughts as I sat up on the bed. Now that I have moved a little more I have better control over my muscles though I still feel unstable.

"Come in." I said just loud enough for the person to hear. The door creaked open with a silhouette of a boy standing there. He looked to be just a tad shorter than me and had black hair wrapped around his face. His hand dropped from the handle as he suddenly rushed over to me.

His arms held me tight against him as he began to cry. I leaned into him more making him tighten his hold on me as I started crying as well.

"Asuna." I shook my head and pulled away as he began to wipe under his eyes. It was then that I noticed a deep cut on the side of his face with small bruising spread around his skin.

"Its over. I finished it." My hand came up to cover my mouth as I shook my head. He was absolutely insane yet I loved him anyway.

"Its okay. You're alright now. You're awake. It is all okay now." He climbed up onto the hospital bed and gently pushed me back down into it. Then he rolled himself down into a ball and used my stomach as a pillow.

"I'm still going to protect you, Asuna." I glanced down to him as I reached my hand for his thick black hair. I began running my fingers through his real hair. He was real. As was I.

"I know. I'll still protect you as well, Kazuto."

Okay so this story has been completed and sat in my drafts for well over a year and a half. I figured it was about time I published this story.

Until the End ⭐Kirisuna⭐Where stories live. Discover now