Chapter 16

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Kirito's POV

An hour. It took a whole hour to clear out all the enemies. Each of us was nearly out of health by the end of it but no one died which I am so thankful for. As we all sat and drank yet another potion we heard our names being called. All of us jumped up and ran over to the ledge where the voices were coming from. As we leaned over I saw Silica, Sinon and Yui.

"Where is Asuna?" All of them looked down to the ground making anger take over. I jumped down infront of them and grabbed the front of Sinon's shirt.

"Where is Asuna!" I repeated. She grabbed onto my hand and tried to pry my fingers off but I just tightened my grip. Silica ran over and grabbed onto my free arm. I turned to her and pushed her off causing her to fall to the ground from the force.

"Where is she!" I yelled again pushing Sinon down as well. Tears began to well up in both of their eyes as well as in mine.

"Papa." I glared up towards Yui making her step back away from me.

"They took her." My gaze fell back to Sinon.

"Why didn't you save her?" I asked as calmly as I could. She started shaking her head as more tears fell.

"I tried. I really did but there were too many and they only wanted her not us." Silica crawled over to her and helped as both of them stood up. I held my sword out towards both of them as they started to try to get Yui to come over to them.

"No. She isn't allowed to stay with you two anymore. Leafa!" I yelled making her run over quickly. With one sword still pointed at them, I turned the other towards my sister.

"You are going to watch Yui. If she gets taken too I won't hesitate to hurt all of you." Yui walked over and wrapped her arms around me as Leafa nodded.

"No papa don't be mad. I don't like when you're mad." I put my swords away and tore her from me, passing her to Leafa. Without another word I lifted my left hand up making my menu start up in front of me. I went into the party and saw Asuna was still alive and had a little over half of her health left. A sigh fell out of me as I tapped her to see where her location was. I set a tracker on top of it and exited out.

"Keep her safe." I looked around at everyone before turning in the right direction and sprinting off. I couldn't use a teleport crystal for another couple minutes so I had to move fast.

There was only one city in between us. It was where we were but the city wasn't even intact anymore. All the buildings had crumbled down to the ground with debrea scattered around. Jumping over it caused a lot more trouble than what I originally thought but soon enough I crossed over it.

As my feet hit the scorched grass on the other end I took off again. At this point I was able to use a crystal again so I pulled it out and teleported to the top of the hill. In front of me stood a castle like structure that was falling apart. My guess is that the explosions did it.

I pulled my swords out and walked up to the door. Guards stood on either side but I had quickly taken out both of them. Once inside, I turned sideways and kept my back to the wall. My head would look forward then turn back to make sure no one was sneaking up on me. I heard talking and pressed myself up against where I was, sucking my stomach in.

Two more people walked down the hallway that crossed over infront of me. As they walked I heard them talking about an execution. In result I bit my lip hard hoping they weren't talking about Asuna.

Once they had gotten a little bit away, I ran up to the new hallway and turned right running down it as quietly as I could as to not let them hear me.

Once I caught back up to them I watched as they opened a door and stepped into the room. I bounced on my feet for a second before taking a chance and running to the door. As soon as it was open I realized it was a staircase and began up it.

At the very top was yet another door. With shaking fingers, I pushed it open enough to peek out. The first thing I noticed was the leader walking around yelling. I tried to listen to her as I scanned around at everything. There were three different board type things hanging up that she seemed to be yelling at. Is there a chance Asuna is on one of those?

"Hey!" My head snapped over when some one yelled in my ear. I pushed open the door and jumped on top of him, slicing him with my sword. He gasped and stepped away trying to take his out but before he even could I already stabbed him.

When his body hit the ground and crystalized I looked over to see everyone now watching me. I gripped my swords tighter and walked over closer to them.

"Ahh you again. How did you find me?" I stopped a few feet away and glanced around.

"Lucky guess to where you were." I found Asuna along with another girl and guy tied to the tables to the side. Her wrists and ankles were red where the locks have been digging into them. Same with the other two as well.

"Well now that you are here we might as well put you into the groups of people who we are going to kill." My chest tightened when hearing those words. There is no way I'm going to lose her. Or let the other two lose their lives in such an awful way.

I swung my swords down to my sides and looked over to her one last time. I saw tears beginning to fall down her face. The opponent started to remove her own sword from her sheath and made her way towards me.

With one quick breath, I took off towards her at the fastest pace I could move.

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