Chapter 2

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A week later everything had almost gone back to normal. I had already finished my physical therapy for my legs and gotten a hair cut. My skin was still pale from not going outside for nearly two years, except for when they moved me from my house to the hospital. There wasn't really anything I could do for it though since I refuse to use a tanning bed.

Thinking about all these things that have happened kind of made me nervous. I could get stuck in the Nerve Gear again but at the same time I wouldn't mind. I loved the little house in Aincrad and I loved the feeling of being strong. Here in the real world the dangers are very different. I have to know how to protect myself using my words instead of a sword.

I looked down to my feet and sighed as I walked into my house. I had just gotten out of school and walked a longer route than usual.

"Asuna!" I jumped and sat my bag down so that I could remove my jacket.

"Yes, mother!" She entered the room with her arms crossed as she watched me hang up my jacket.

"Firstly, that." She walked over and took my jacket off the hanger to hand it back to me. "Belongs in your bedroom not downstairs. Second, be ready for dinner in an hour and a half. Don't be late." I nodded quickly and took a step back from her as she recrossed her arms.

"Sorry, mother. I will try to not be late." I bowed quickly before turning away and heading for the stairs. Once I reached the top and knew I was out of her sight I began to slowly jog to my room. I shut the door behind me and let out a long sigh as I walked to my closet. I hung up up my jacket and removed my skirt to put up with it. Then I pulled on a pale pink dress with no design. I made my way over to the bed and sat down on it.

The only thing that did change a lot was my mom. She was very strict before but now ever since I woke up all she does is find things wrong with what I do. Every simple thing I do, there's is something wrong with it. I laid down onto my back and closed my eyes. I enjoyed my time of silence until I decided to start working on some of my homework. I sat up on my bed and reached for my backpack.

A while later I looked over at my clock and gasped. I threw my books off of me and ran to my closet. I slammed it open and pulled out the first fancy dress I saw. My body shook as I removed the one I was in to put on the new one. Once it was on I tried to run my hands through my hair to get out the tangles as I stumbled down stairs as quickly and quietly as possible. I turned down a hallway and jogged until I got in front of my destination. My hands folded together in front of me nicely as I took a deep breath before stepping inside.

My eyes trailed down to my feet as I walked over to my seat. Once I sat down, I finally looked up to my mother. She sat glaring at me with her watch open.

"You're late." My hands began to shake even worse as I tried to steady my breathing.

"I'm sorry. I was doing homework." She stood up and slammed her hands on the table.

"No excuses!" She walked around the table and grabbed ahold of my chair to spin me around so I was facing her. "You are a young lady and should not be late to anything! Always be five minutes early! As for your homework you wouldn't have to do so much if you hadn't wasted your time on a stupid video game!" I shrunk down into my seat and felt the shakiness begin to spread through the rest of my body. She squeezed my shoulders and pushed me back up.

"Don't you dare slouch! You have to have good posture!" I nodded and straightened myself out. She stepped away from me and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Your hair seems to be a mess as well. You know what? I can't deal with you right now." She dropped her hand and started heading towards the door. I sat in silence as she slammed it shut behind her. Tears began to run down my face as I was so afraid to do anything. My hands shielded my eyes as I brought my knees up to my chest. After I was sure she was gone I stood and ran to my room.

As I was changing into a thick skirt and sweater my phone began ringing. I reached over and saw Kazuto was trying to call me. I quickly wiped my tears away and answered. I held my phone between my ear and shoulder as I was pulling on leggings.

"Hello, Kazuto." I heard a bit of shuffling before he answered back.

"Good evening, Asuna. I was calling to ask what you were up to?" I grabbed my coat and pulled it on over top of my outfit.

"I just finished dinner and was planing to go for a walk." I sat on my bed as I pulled my shoes over to me.

"A walk? It is late at night, dark and cold. And you're going for a walk?" I nodded and signed.

"Yea I just need some fresh air." There was a long pause of both as both of us just sat thinking.

"Did something happen?" I began to shake again. He can't know that I am unable to take care of myself now that I didn't have help from the game system.

"No nothing. Just need a break from doing homework." He sighed.

"If something was wrong, you'd tell me right?" I looked down to my skirt and pulled it into a ball inside my hand.

"Yes of course."

"Okay. Could I meet up with you somewhere though? Just to make sure you're safe on your walk." I stood up and patted my way through the house and out the door.

"We could meet up at the coffee shop downtown."

"Alright sounds good. See you in half in hour." I sighed and pulled my coat tighter around me.

"Yep. Goodbye Kazuto." I hung up before he could answer and shoved my phone into my pocket. It wasn't that I didn't want to see him but I didn't want him to see me like this. I knew I had tear streaks down my face and that my eyes were red and swollen. Either way, after a few minutes I found myself walking towards the coffee shop.

As soon as I pushed open the glass doors my body was enveloped in warmth. My hands were blue since I had forgotten gloves. My ears were bright red since I also didn't bring a hat. I hate to be cold but at least now I can blame my still red eyes on the weather.

"Asuna!" I looked to my side and saw Kazuto walking up to me. He immediately wrapped his arms around my waist trying to warm me up. I laid my head down onto his chest and closed my eyes. I was just so worn out today.

"Here let's sit down." He led me over to a booth and slid in with me behind him. I sat next to him and once again placed my head on his shoulder. He reached around to grab my hands.

"Are you okay? You sounded like something happened when we were on the phone." I nodded quickly and tried to curl into him more.

"Are you sure?" I nodded again and squeezed his hand.

"I'm fine Kazuto. Let's just stay here for a little bit." Although he nodded and wrapped his left arm around me I knew he was going to continue asking. But I can't tell him because it is my problem not his.

Okay so I will update when I have time, not on a set schedule. I hope everyone enjoys this book that, if it were physical, would be covered in dust from all the time spent in the lovely draft area.

Until the End ⭐Kirisuna⭐Where stories live. Discover now