We're just two men as God had made us

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Hayley's POV

Holy Jesus in Heaven help me! How in the world do they think that I am equal to these people?! This place is dirty, and dark, and ugly, and full of CRIMINALS!  I know that God made them and everything but how is that possible?! God is good and these people are BAD! Someone else must've made these people! Probably Satan by the looks of this place! *shudder* Especially that one over there.......

David's POV

Walking through the halls of the prison is the most terrifying and uncomfortable thing I have EVER done! There's killers glaring at me, rapists winking at me, hookers mouthing the words "call me"--which I might just do--drug addicts shooting heroine in secret with dirty needles, and I think I might've just seen a dead body hanging by a rope... These people are sick!

WOW! HOLD UP JUST A SECOND! Scratch that, I'm pretty sure I just saw two babes getting it on over there!!!!!!

Benjamin's POV

As I reach my jail cell, I'm immediately slammed against a wall by a huge, burly, guy with a makeshift pocket knife agaist my throat.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" says the anything-but-cuddly Chewbaca

"I-I-I" I stammer.


"I'M BEN!"

He lets me go and as I try and process what jsut happened, the guy across the room sitting on the bed reading a book looks at me and says "Don't mind Lou, he just gets....uhh....excited sometimes"

"uhmmmmm..... okayy" I say slowly as I stand back up. "And who are you?"

"I'm JJ, but you can call me JJ"

"umm.. okay.."

"Is that all you can say?"

"No, I just..."


"I don't belong here!"

"That's what they all say"

Linzy's POV

Huh.. the room is empty.. Well, might as well make myself at home. So I pick a bunk and lay down.  I don't exactly hav anything to keep myself occupied so might as well get some shut eye.

Ariel's POV

"Um.. Hi, ladies."


"No one. I didn't say lady! Who said 'lady'?! Let's go beat 'em up!" I said as i tried to act tough. It obviously didn't work.

"Aww, would you look at that! SHe's all dainty and sweet, Becca!"

And as I look around for this so-called 'Becca' I laid my eyes on the most beautiful woman in all of the universe. Even prettier than my girlfriend.

"Back off, Ansley, she's new" and she spoek with a voice like angels singing. Looks like Chayanne's shit outta a gf!

Becca was different. She was a dyke--a HAWT dyke! SHe was more of the beautiful type than the sexy type. You wouldn't describe her as sexy, though she truly is.

"Eh, I was just playin'. So what'd ya do, chick?" Ansley said, dissrupting my day-dreaming trance.

"Uh, my name's Ariel."

"Like the mermaid?!"

"yea, I guess haha"

"hella cool!"

"Well, I'm in here for public nudity, but---"

"Daaayyyyummmmm!!!" she broke my sentence and went on trying to hit on me and convice me to take my clothes off. I was steady fixed on Becca who was just standing there.. <3

Christofer's POV

I walk in to a game of what looks like "I Dare You" and I am immediately pointed at and the guy says "make-out" and then another guy walks over UGLY AS ALL HELL!!!!! LIKE YOU HAVE NO IDEA!! And to someone as incredibly fabulous as me, I was scared. But at least he was young. But before I knew it, he grabbed my shoulders, closed his eyes, opened his mouth, and crashed his lips right up against...



A/N: CLIFFHANGER! hahahahhahahah. What do you think happened??! Again, sorry for slow updates. Just please keep reading. I know the first two chapters kinda sucked but i PROMISE it gets soooooooo much better!!

and i gotta be honest, I HATE Hayley. i hate writing her parts and everything! vote this chapter or any chapter if you want me to kill her off first haha xD

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2014 ⏰

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