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     My type of cancer was called Pineoblastoma which ranged from low grade to high grade. Lucky enough for me I fell into the category of "low grade" since it was caught early enough. Despite all the doctors efforts to stabilize its rapid growth, it wasn't backing down. Yes I had good days where everything was fine and peachy but I also had bad days and I mean bad days. Gasping for air and enduring mind numbing pain were the norm, those didn't scare me as much but the doctors say that there might be a risk of the cancer blocking my ventricles which causes hydrocephalus. Now that scared the living daylights out of me. I was about to leave the hospital after being under critical observation for a week now and I had never felt so liberated in my entire life. I was confined in my room and subjected to a series of tests day in and day out, which I may add, isn't a way to live life.
    I had called Jamila to come pick me up because I really wanted to talk to her. My mum was the one who stayed with me in the hospital, enduring every bit as much as I did so when she asked if she could go home and freshen up then come back to get me I couldn't refuse. I didn't want to overwork her so I let her know that Jamila was the one who was coming to get me.

"Ali I've missed you so much" Jamila says

As she should I thought but we've been a bit distant after the whole "Khalil is the father of my child" incident
No, "oh how's your health by the way, hope you're better?" I thought but what did she care.

"So have I Jamila, you've started to show"

The baby bump had started to show. Though she chiefly tried to hide it under her ill-fitting kimono, I could still tell that she had a bump in there.

"Yeah..I, you weren't meant to see that"

"Oh really? I'm meant to close my eyes around you now?"

Yes I was still mad about how things were but did she expect me to not acknowledge it all?

"Let's just get into the car, mum is worried"

It was an awkward car ride. She tried to use the soothing voice is Ed Sheeran to block me out. Blocking me out with music showed her determination to not handling how we both felt. She knew I was hurt but didn't she didn't understand why. I've been friends with Khalil for 6 years and we've always had each others back no matter what. So it's funny to me that he'd think defiling my sister was appropriate and or allowed. Jamila was 17 for godsakes, 17! How could he not think about the reputations of unprotected sex? "It was the heat of the moment I guess", the heat of the moment my ass. To make matters even more alarming, my mum didn't seem to even care. She was rubbing her goddamn belly as if it was normal for 17 year olds to be preganant. What happens when school starts? What happens when my dad finds out? That's if he doesn't already know. What happens when Khalil's parents find out because I'm 99.9% sure they have no clue that their religious gem of a son had impregnated a girl, what happens then? What happens when all of this goes to utter shit??

"Do you know the sex yet?" I asked. I've been curious, can you blame me?

"She's a girl, we're going to name her Basma"

Already thinking about names, that wasn't hasty at all.

"Do his parents know?"

"Yeah, I think so..."

"You think so?"

She had no idea if he had told them, unbelievable.

"Yeah well, I mean he says he's going to but I think he's just like waiting for the right time."

"That sounds promising"

"Don't do that..I know it's questionable but he will. I know he will"

* * *
     Dad had packed out all his stuff. Apparently sharing a hotel room with Funke was more befitting for him. She had been released from the hospital 4 days ago and my dad was right by her side. Funke had connects. If she could make a doctor lie on her behalf then there was no end to what she could do. My dad had no idea of what he was dealing with. They couldn't even live together amicably. My family was in total shambles, is that what the word "family" entails? When you think of family you think of happiness and the joy of raising kids but in ours, the word joy is bascially fictitious. My mum threw herself into her work. She was a lecturer and she was writing a thesis on some biological advancement or something. I was quite compliaced, not in my realm of understanding. 

"Mum, I'm home" I said

She was about to give me one of her "bear hugs". She was know for them. She had a huge smile on her face, one I hadn't seen for a while now. It made me happy to see that she was coping with everything.

"Ali, my baby! Are you okay? Have you gotten anything to eat? Do you need anything?"

"No mum, mum, I'm fine. I got takeout from the Tulip Bistro. I'm sorted"

The Tulip Bistro was my favorite restaurant of all time. We always went there to celebrate birthdays and anniversaries. Speaking of anniversaries, next week today marks the 18th wedding anniversary of my parents and it was going to be the first time we didn't all spend it together.

"Okay, call me if you need anything" she added

I hated being treated as if I was a helpless child. I was completely fine, well in retrospect. My back was killing me and I couldn't really breathe that well but trust me that didn't render me helpless.

   As I walked past the guestroom I couldn't help but notice that the walls had been repainted yellow and pink which if I may add was an atrocious combination. I opened the door further and then I saw a crib. They had made the guestroom the babys new room. It had stuffed animals, diapers, a stroller, baby monitors and an abnormal amount of raddles. My mum and Jamila were ready for this baby. Yes there was still much to be done but they had got the room partially on lock down. They were at ease with the fact that she was going to have a baby so I guess I just had to come to terms with it as well.

    It was 6:53PM and my prescription for my medication had ran out so I needed to go to the pharmacy ASAP. My mum and Jamila who never seemed to see eye to eye were all of a sudden bonding. The baby had brought them closer together and that was good to know.
     The night was quiet and cold, and the sky was filled with stars. I arrived at the pharmacy but they had already closed. It was 7:00PM for god sakes. Who closes remotely anything by 7? I needed to catch my breath because I was a bit exhausted, cancer will do that to you. I waited in the car for a while then I started to see movement. I was scared so I brought out my pocket night just incase. Abuja was known for its hooligans at the night time. Thankfully it was just a girl, she looked sad. Her eyes were teary and that made me wonder if she was sane because she was all alone. Then I saw another person come out from behind this building. It was a guy, he tried comforting her and it seemed to be working. They kissed and she entered her car and left. It was an odd sighting but it looked innocent enough. The guy was walking my way so I buried myself in my hoddie, still revealing my eyes so I could make his face out.

  "Khalil????" I screamed
He turned back then I covered my face fully. He inspected and then ran to his jeep. I was stunned.

It was Khalil.

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