A Tiny Light

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Once upon a time, there was a very tiny ray of light, she was forgotten with time
No body saw her ... Nobody felt her presence.

Until one day time saw her, he loved her, he took this light and put her high in the sky... He called her sun.
This way wherever light goes, time would always follow.

One day sun was feeling bored, she took a part of her light and threw it in the sky, she called it moon.
Thus, wherever the sun goes, moon would always follow.

Suddenly one day, the moon felt bored, he took part of his light when the sun was asleep, he threw it in the sky and called her star.
Hence, wherever moon goes, star will always follow.

Moon and Star fell in love, there beautiful love story made millions of Stars around the galaxy and the globe.

Days had come and go and Time realized that the Sun was sad.

"What's wrong, Sun?" Asked Time.

"I was a tiny ray of light, nobody could see me back then, I am now a gigantic ball of light and still nobody can bear see me without becoming blind," she answered with a sadness in her voice.

"I have to think of a way, be patient will you," Time answered while Sun nodded her head.

Time flew to visit his friend the Setting, he explained to him about Sun's problem.

Setting thought for few minutes, "we have to create a place for Sun, this way her reflection will be balanced, she wouldn't hurt anyone's eyes."

"A brilliant idea," Time applauded.

"But what is this place?"asked Time.

Setting thought deeper, " we need a similar place to the sky in size and shape."

"Do we make another sky under the sky?" Asked Time.

"Hmm.. Yes and No..." Answered Setting. He continued "Sky doesn't make a reflection, we need to put something that allows reflection to occur."

While they are discussing the Sun went to sleep and Moon with Stars came in view.

Out of nowhere Meteor was flying near by, he passed as a streak of light leaving star dust and water behind..

Setting and Time saw that star dust and water when combined together they reflected the moon light along with the stars, it was the answer.

Time decided to pay a visit to the Moon and Stars, "from where did Meteor come?"

"It is stars' doing, they were dreaming," they answered.

Time had an idea and Moon and Stars agreed to make a surprise for the Sun. Every time the Sun went to sleep, stars dreamt they became Meteors and flew down at the sky, they started forming a mirror...they called it Sea

Setting, Time, and Moon went to the Sun and told her about the Sea.

A new love story was written between the Sky and the Sea. They wanted to meet, to touch, to hug, to kiss, and with the help of some rays of sun light.. Clouds were made from the touch.. Clouds became the messenger between Sky and Sea.

From a tiny ray of light, from the dreams of stars... Land was created.

Our story doesn't finish at this point because there are lots of tiny rays of lights whom when they meet with each other, they create other seas and other Lands...

That's why everyone of us have this tiny light within us, waiting for us to be observed, loved, for it to become our sun, like Time made his own Sun.. A tiny light is waiting for another tiny light hidden deep down inside us so they can dream and create sea like the stars.

A young girl discovered this tiny light hidden inside of her. She played with it, she hid it in a small box, she put the box under the pillow and the little girl fell asleep.
That night she dreamt about tiny lights scattered in the city. She was flying with them, they made a sea, the land was beautiful again.

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