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Advises for those who are newly-married:
1. Respect and caring
A successful and happy marriage is shaped through respect and caring.

2.Marry the soul, not the body
The body and desires are important don't get me wrong but the soul is of a great importance, it would last forever, so pay attention to it.

3.Be the Possessive Husband
Yes, my wife is mine.
Thus, you would see only her and you'll always be attracted towards her.

4.Ask your wife about her needs
Don't wait for her to tell you.
Be the initiative. This would make your bond grow stronger.

5.Be to her the saw way you want your brother-in-law to be with your sister
You would look after your sister. Be protective to your wife as you are to your sister.

6.Don't look at other women
You have an angel waiting for you. She is the original and the rest are only fake copies.

7.What do you like about her?
Always look at made you fall in love with her. The heart loves what it sees. Always look at what makes your heart beats fast. for her what you love for yourself
She is the partner of your life, your soulmate. What makes her happy would make you happy too. her
When you do, she'll be beautiful in your eyes. Beauty isn't love, but love is beauty.

10.Don't think about your Ex-
Don't mention her in front of your new love. You might hurt her without knowing about it.

11.Be satisfied of what you have
Don't forget there's no body perfect.
If she doesn't have the quality you want, love what she has.
Don't look at her missing traits, like what she has.

12. Say the three words
" I Love You"
Her heart will beat fast every time she hears it.

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