Chapter 3

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We left in a carriage that afternoon. I had no idea where we were going, but I didn't care. I don't have anywhere I call home anyways, so it should be fine. I looked through the back window and saw the man that was yelling at Eva...Mother.I shrugged and looked at Mother. She smiled at me with her usual warm smile. I fell asleep on Mother's shoulder and was carried to a room.

As night drifted away quickly, I awoke in a bed that felt like a cloud. I yawned as I got out of bed. I looked around the room. It was three times as big as the bedroom I once was in and the paintings and decorations were much fancier. I wandered into what I thought would be the bathroom, but it wasn't, it was the walk-in closet. Dresses, shoes, and accessories filled the room. As well as tuxedos and boy shoes. I wondered why they were here. After probably five minutes of ooo's and ahh's, I walked out of the closet to go look for the original location I wanted to go to, the bathroom. I found it with ease because it was right next to the closet.

As I  thought, it would be just as luxurious as the room and the closet. I looked around and everything seem to shine.

It was, then, of course I had to see someone of the opposite gender bathing in my tub.The normal reaction was to scream, but i tried not to and instead let out a little yelp

''Shut up,'' the mysterious boy said as he rushed to me from the tub to cover my mouth. I bit his hand and he cried in pain for a second.

''What are you doing here?'' I asked, as I looked the other way from him.

''I live here.'' he said, as he got dressed. No wonder there were boy clothing in the closet. I simply walked out of the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I walked into the closet and closed the door. I looked in the mirror of the closet, my face was flushed with a deep red. I just wanted to hide and I did. I walked to my bed and hid myself under the covers of my bed. I heard the boy come out of the bathroom. I had to say sorry to him...but later. I pulled the blanket over my face and screamed into my pillow. ''..Heavy,'' I said as I felt something on my back. I popped my head out from under the blanket and looked up. I hid under the blankets again as I blushed. ''Can you get off me?'' I asked  the boy who I saw in the bathroom. He was still half naked. ''Nah,'' he said with a devilish smile.

''Please,'' I begged him.

''Fine,'' he said as he got off me. I sighed, but then he came under the blanket with me. Now he laid beside me. Mother came into the room and i jumped out of the bed to run to her.

‘’Mother, who is he?’ I asked as I hid behind her skirt.

‘’He’s the boy who lives here. He’s around your age, I believe,’’ Mother said, ‘’Why don’t you go make friends with him.’’ She then left quickly after she had gotten her parasol. I stayed quiet, quite surprised she left me here with a boy. How did she not find anything wrong with a boy in MY bed? I looked back at the boy. Now that I look at him, he’s quite handsome. He had tousled blonde hair with sky blue eyes.

‘’Do you like what you’re seeing’’ the boy said with a smirk. I felt my cheeks warm up again.

‘’As if’’ I replied as I glared at him. I looked for my sword and became frantic when I couldn’t find it.

‘’What are you looking for?’’ he asked, as if he knew what I was looking for.

‘’A sword’’ I replied, without looking at him.

‘’Oh, that little thing doesn’t belong in the hands of a little girl.’’

‘’I’m not that little. I’m thirteen already’’

‘’That makes you little, you see little girl, I’m fifteen.’’

‘’You’re only two years older than me. What makes you all high and mighty?’’

‘’That fact makes me better than you.’’ I grunted and walked to the bathroom. I locked the door, before I had done anything. I turned the hot water knob and water started gushing out into the tub. I placed my tips of of my fingers, but quickly took them out. The water felt was burning hot. I turned off the hot water and turned the knob for cold water. I slid my hand under the cold water which was pouring out into the tub. I tested the water again soon afterwards. Warm baths were my new favorite thing. It felt like such a luxury to have. I turned off the cold water as the tub became full. I slipped out of my nightgown and stepped into the tub. It felt so nice as I slowly felt my muscles started to relax a bit. After washing all the impurities away, I got up from the tub and patted myself dry. I took the plug out of the draining hole after I wrapped my body with a towel. I unlocked the door and peeked outside into the room , hoping the the boy was gone. And of course he wasn’t. I sighed. Why did he have to be here. I burst opened the door and rushed to the closet. I closed the closet door quickly and locked it.

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