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"So, before you go all woogy-woogy, hear me out," was the first thing that came out of Ethan's mouth, when I entered our dorm-room.

Under any other circumstances, I would've commented on that obviously made up word, but it was not the right time.

With a sigh, I closed the door behind me, before taking a seat on the chair.

He stared back at me from his bed, as if waiting for me to interrupt him.

I made a hand motion, telling him that I was listening. At that moment, I couldn't feel more beaten down. I felt sticky with sweat, left Lillith's room in a rush, and my best friend wouldn't recognize his problem, but instead washed it down with alcohol, until his body couldn't take it.

"I uh, talked to Ruth, and," he looked back up to see my face.

My breathing was still heavy from all the running. When I heard about Ethan, I had ran like Sweet Brown. I wiped the sweat off my forehead with the hem of my shirt. "Yeah?" I asked softly.

"I was so embarrassed when she saw me like that, Cory," he exclaimed. "It was like Hasselhoff and his burger all over again!"

I nodded, hiding a smirk.

"Which is why I have decided to visit the college counselor."

I smiled. It was a good start.

I got up and gave his shoulder a squeeze. "I'm glad, man."

He nodded, giving me a tight smile.

"It's a good start," I told him, putting my hands on my hips. "Have you told Dakota yet?"

He nodded. "Yeah."

"Where's Ruth?" I then wondered.

"Lillith and her were supposed to meet up for tutoring today," he said. "But she didn't show up and didn't pick up the phone, so - Oh!"

Ethan understood, when he saw the look on my face. He started laughing at my misery, as he looked at my 'fuck my life'-expression.

"Weeeell. That's gonna be awkward," he said, still chuckling.

"What am I supposed to do?" I exclaimed.

He grinned at me with an open mouth, so I reached over my bed and threw a pillow at his smug looking face.

The pillow had hit him, which made me feel a little better.

"At this point, nothing," he shrugged. "What's gotten you so stressed? It's not a secret that you got something going on with Lillith."

"I left her butt-naked in bed!" I hissed. "Now's not really the time for Ruth to give her any tutor lessons."

"Did she see you guys together yesterday?" And he still wore that grin on his face.

"Yeah, no.. I mean, she saw me looking at her. She's not stupid."

"You better --"

He was cut off by a knock on the door.

"Come in," I called.

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