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The party was almost over, but my life had started just now, when Seth walked through the door.

Narrowing my eyes in anger, I watched him search for something, before his eyes landed on me.

I took a big gulp of my drink, as he walked over to me with a smirk.

Luckily, Ruth had crashed on her bed already.

I put the cup on the drawer next to me and took a few steps towards him as well.

"Sorry for being a little late," he said, the sarcasm dripping from his tone. "Let's talk outside, shall we?"

I followed him, my eyes shooting daggers at his back.

"Do you see what you did to me?" he asked me, once we were outside. He was pointing at the bandage on his nose. "That's wasn't nice of you now, was it?" Seth asked me with a mocking pout.

I shrugged, "I don't know, it kinda suits you."

"Do you know what else suits me? Being... let's say open with people," he told me innocently.

I narrowed my eyes at the rat.

"Being open with the... police and with you..."

"Quit the chit chat," I told him.

"Very well," he nodded, with a grin. "You don't wanna end up in prison?"

"So?" I asked irritatedly.

He knitted his eyebrows darkly together, the same grin remaining on his lips.

"Well you see, you took someone from me that I liked very much. So, it would be only fair for me to do the same. And... she wasn't supposed to be here anyways, was she?"

I stared at him, feeling my knees getting weak under me.

"Kill her."

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