Home Sweet Home

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Glancing at Ruth, who was absentmindedly looking out my car window, I sighed.

"My mom is gonna love you," I assured her, knowing that she was worrying about going home with me over the break.

I saw her turning her head to me, from the corner of my eye.

"Thank you so much for doing this for me. I wouldn't know where else to go," she said and I smiled.

"A-and I am sorry for being such a worrywart."

I scrunched my nose, "I hate that fucking word..."

She giggled, before asking, "What are we going to tell your mother though?"

"That you're my girlfriend," I told her casually, knowing that Ruth wouldn't react so casually to it.

"But, Cory -"

I was so desperately trying to hide my grin.


She didn't say anything, so I took a quick glance and saw her looking at her lap, playing with the edge of her dress.

"We'll be fine," I said with a small grin.

We had been driving for half an hour, listening to some oldies and some mainstream music, while talking, when both of us started to get hungry.

So we decided to take a quick stop at a fastfood restaurant on the way.

We sat outside as we ate our meal, the sky was starting to turn orange.

There was a toddler sitting on some other table, his face covered in ketchup. He held a toy in his chubby hand, knocking it on the table, while giggling.

I noticed Ruth watching the little munchkin with an adoring smile on her face. I remember thinking to myself that she could look at me like that more often.

"You like kids?" I asked her with a small smile.

She nodded, smiling at me now as well.

And then I thought, that she could have mine in the future, but then I heard Dakota in my mind saying that I shouldn't be such a dog.

Once we had finished our meal, Ruth insisted on paying again, so she did. Little did she know that I slipped the money for the food back into her purse.

It was nearly striking midnight when Ruth and I had finally reached home.

I parked the car in front of our garage and got my suitcase and Ruth's bag out of the trunk. Needless to say that she tried to grab her own bag, but I was a little quicker.

"You're such a gentleman, Cory," she chuckled softly. "You really don't have to do all of this for me."

Honestly, I wasn't. I just liked helping her really. If it was up to me, Ruth wouldn't have to do anything she doesn't feel like doing ever again.

We walked over to the door and I could tell that she was starting to get nervous again, but soon she wouldn't have to be anymore.

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