Chapter 2

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Baileys POV

I walked into my uncles office and found my brother Liam and another person in here he looked around in his early 20's, to be quit honest he isn't bad looking green-blue orbs brown hair messy but pushed to one side and a strait suit on. I sat down next to him and Liam on the other other side the the mysterious man then put my bag on the floor.

"What's up uncle?" I said as I slouched down a little.

"Well, Bailey the thing is that I um....I am not going to be the head teacher anymore" He said as he looked strait into my eyes.

"WHAT?!" Me and Liam yelled at the same time.

"You cant leave! I can only focus in class because i feel like you will be there if anything goes wrong! You practically motivate this whole school to do better in so many ways that no other head teacher would do!!" i exclaimed as i leant forward in my chair to look into my uncles eyes even more to make him stay, always works.

"I agree with Bailey. What about bullies? Uncle, you made every single student in this school a better person and you know it. Me and my friends are going to get bullied so much and you're not there to stop it and give them the lecture on bullying and what it can do." Liam exclaimed.

"Thanks guys, but i have made my decision and thats final. Plus I am sure bailey can carry staying focused because even though i am leaving the school, doesn't mean i wont be there for you and Liam i am sure the bullying wont happen. Mr Tomlinson here is a good friend of mine and he wants to be the new head teacher and I am sure Mr Tomlinson is very capable of handling problems when they are thrown at him. You guys should also know very well that I wanna go travelling and maybe some day if we are lucky i could be the head teacher again" uncle jack promised.

"But-"I Start saying before i was cut of.

"Bailey this time no 'buts' I want to do this ok I am sorry but I am pretty sure you can still stay focused in classes and what not." He said as he got up off his chair and stood next to the window.

"Fine, when will you be leaving then?" I huffed.

"The end off next week" He said as he looked out his window. "Now go back to your guys lessons, cant have you failing can we?" Uncle jack finished and shooed us out his office.

"HEY, ditch the rest of the lesson with me PWEEAASE" I asked and put on the puppy dog eyes, people say I am very good at it.

"Fine" He hesitated and we walked to the little place people normally go to miss lessons but no one was there so it was good for Liam's sake. This little place was very snug actually. Theres this little passage way that leads from the back of the school into the woods behind the school and this place had bushes surrounding us and there was logs in the floor to sit on in a circle.

"Bailey I am sure you can still be focused with this new head teacher, Tomlinson." Liam said after a few minuets of silence.

"Yer hopefully."


The day went quickly and I went over to some stairs outside to meet the boys, but they were running a bit late.

Someone cleared their throat, I spun around on my heels to find Tomlinson.

"So you the popular one then huh?" Mr Tomlinson said, smirking at me. "Oh and the one who likes to stay focused." He added

"Yes actually" I said proudly.

"Nice to know we will be spending time with each other in the detentions then, I would love to get to know you." He winked and then walked off.

'Why did my Soon to be head teacher wink at me?'

I Hope this story is good so far (even thought this is the 2nd chapter)

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