Friday (part 2)

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"Sorry I thought you were someone else," and walks away. He left you all alone. The cool night air caressed your face. "Someone else" his words echoed through your mind so clearly it seemed as though he was right in front of you. His body had faded away into the darkness of the night and you could no longer see him. You could hear car engines roaring to life as people from the game left early. "Someone else" your mind again echoed 'What could he mean' you thought to yourself. 'I don't look anything like Trinity was this all some type of sick joke?' Your mind whizzed with a thousand different questions. Now you were more than two separate beings. Now you were two different people the space between the both of you was more than that of planets. 'C.J. was amazing how could he fall for someone like you. You are someone who always sits at the back, someone who never spoke up in class, you were an outsider. You never pushed your boundaries!, You never took a chance!, You nev-' "(y/n) you heard (b/f) yell interrupting your thoughts. She was running over to you waving her hand. 'How could she be your friend? You were you. Why would someone want to be friends with you? Why didn't she leave you and go be (g/f)'s confidant? They were more alike than you and her ever were.' Once (b/f) reaches you she hands you something. "A tissue ?" you inquire. "Yeah you use it to wipe your eyes ya dummy" she responds with a kind smile. You press the tissue to your face and feel it dampen. It surprised you, you didn't know you were crying, or you didn't care. You pull the moist tissue away from your face. "Are you okay ?" (b/f) asks "I'm . . . fine" you respond. (b/f) pull you into a tight hug. A few of you tears fall onto her shoulder. You both let go. (b/f) puts a  reassuring hand on your shoulder "So . . . uh . . . do you want to talk abou-" "bbbbuuzzzzzz"She was interrupted by your mom texting you telling you she was there to pick you up. "Bye" you say and wave to (b/f) who also waves back. You open the passenger side door getting into your mom's car "So how was the concession stand ?" she asks nicely. " It was fine" you respond curtly, looking out the window into the blackness of the night. You were relived when the inside lights of the car faded and hid your tear stained face. The drive was quick in minutes ,but to you nothing could be longer. You and your mom didn't speak much the way home so the car was filled with quiet music, but you didn't really feel like listening especially to an up beat pop song about love. Once you got home you slowly walked to your room feeling the floor with each foot. Once you got to your room you sunk into your bed taking off your shoes. You couldn't be bothered to shower or even change your clothes. With all of the emotions that flooded your mind you felt that if you had to do one more thing you would simply crack under all the pressure. You laid down in your bed and closed your eyes. Your mind whirled with thoughts of  C.J. His scent filled your nostrils, you could see him vividly, his voice rang out like church bells, his arms were wrapped around you giving you warmth, and you tasted his lips on yours. You open your eyes and suddenly you are in your cold, dark room. You lay your head down on your pillow. There was a slight pulsing in your head, but you relished it because C.J. had left you numb. Yes you were woebegone, yet the day had seemed so surreal that you hadn't fully processed it. You just didn't understand how something like this could happen it felt so fake. It seemed as though you were on a show and everyone would just jump out and yell "Gottcha!" because if they didn't, if this was  real then that would mean that you were just a pitiful, plain girl with nothing to offer and C.J. really did want "Someone else". Your eye lids became droopy as you continued to think, until you couldn't think anymore and gave into sleep's clutches.

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